Flynn v Warrior Square Recoveries Ltd [2013] EWCA Civ 917
Application for permission to appeal against a decision by the EAT that the claimant’s whistleblowing claim should be struck out because it was brought out of time. Application allowed.
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02/08/2013 09:42
CVS Solicitors & Anor v Van Der Borgh UKEAT/0009/13/KN
Appeal against a finding that the claimant was an employee of the respondent for the purposes of his claims of age discrimination under the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 and of religious discrimination under the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003. Appeal dismissed.
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29/07/2013 09:29
Chief Constable of Essex Police v Kovacevic UKEAT/0126/13/RN
Appeal against an EJ’s decision to allow an amendment application and extend time to bring claims of direct and indirect race discrimination. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh EJ to determine the question of whether there should be allowed an application to amend the claim form.
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26/07/2013 12:38
Singh v Governing Body of Moorlands Primary School & Anor [2013] EWCA Civ 909
Appeal against ET and EAT rulings that the claimant could not rely on a witness statement of a former colleague in support of her claim of constructive dismissal because the statement attracted judicial proceedings immunity. Appeal allowed.
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26/07/2013 12:15
Duffy v George [2013] EWCA Civ 908
Appeal against the EAT’s decision that an ET does not necessarily err in law if it proceeds with a hearing and makes findings adverse to a respondent where a claimant does not attend and so is unavailable for cross examination. Appeal allowed and remitted for a complete re-hearing before a different Tribunal.
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24/07/2013 12:04
Alemo-Herron and Others v Parkwood Leisure Ltd CJEU C-426/11
The CJEU has ruled that Article 3 of Directive 2001/23 must be interpreted as precluding a Member State from providing, in the event of a transfer of an undertaking, that dynamic clauses referring to collective agreements negotiated and adopted after the date of transfer are enforceable against the transferee, where that transferee does not have the possibility of participating in the negotiation process of such collective agreements concluded after the date of the transfer.
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22/07/2013 11:52
Sood Enterprises Ltd v Healey UKEATS/0015/12/BI
Appeal against a decision by the ET regarding the amount of holiday pay due to the claimant who resigned following a period of sickness absence and who had not requested holiday during this period. Appeal allowed in part.
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18/07/2013 21:25
Matinpour v Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council UKEAT/0537/12/RN
Appeal against a second ET’s finding that the claimant had not been subject to disability discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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18/07/2013 21:23
Vodafone Ltd v Nicholson UKEAT/0605/12/SM
Appeal against a finding of unfair dismissal and failure to make any deduction on the award for contributory fault. Appeal dismissed although the contributory fault issue was remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
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18/07/2013 21:20
Whitmar Publications Ltd v Gamage & Ors [2013] EWHC 1881 (Ch)
Application for injunctions preventing use and disclosure of allegedly confidential information and 'springboard' relief where ex-employees had set up a rival business. Application and relief granted.
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18/07/2013 21:17