Copeland v E Coomes (Holdings) Ltd UKEAT/0606/12/LA
Appeal against the dismissal of a claim of age discrimination when the claimant was forced to retire at the age of 65. Cross appeal against a finding that the dismissal was automatically unfair. Both appeal and cross appeal were allowed.
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16/08/2013 14:20
Yekinni v London Borough of Hackney & Ors UKEAT/0602/12/SM
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claims of sex discrimination on the grounds of pregnancy, constructive unfair dismissal on the grounds of maternity, unlawful deductions and victimisation. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
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16/08/2013 14:07
Audere Medical Services v Sanderson UKEAT/0409/12/RN
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had been dismissed for making a protected disclosure and also against the failure by the ET to make any contributory fault or Polkey deductions. The appeal was allowed in respect of the deductions only and remitted to a different ET.
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09/08/2013 15:05
Governing Body of St Andrew's Catholic Primary School & Ors v Blundell UKEAT/0259/12/RN
Appeal against the rejection of the respondent’s application for costs in a case where they claimed that the claimant had deliberately withheld information causing the remedy decision to be revisited.
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09/08/2013 15:04
Gloucestershire Primary Care Trust v Sesay UKEAT/0004/13/MC
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant’s claims of third party harassment could go ahead because they were in time, and even if they were not, it was just and equitable to extend time. Appeal also against decision not to impose a deposit order on the claimant. Appeal dismissed.
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09/08/2013 15:02
Ross v Eddie Stobart Ltd UKEAT/0068/13/RN
Appeal against rejection of unfair dismissal claims involving consideration of burden of proof where the claim involved whistleblowing. Appeal dismissed.
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09/08/2013 15:00
The Commissioners for HMRC v Whiteley UKEAT/0581/12/MC
Appeal against a finding by the ET ruling that the employee was subjected to a detriment because of the employer's failure to take such steps as were reasonable to avoid the disadvantage caused to her by her disability. Appeal allowed.
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08/08/2013 12:29
Smith v Ideal Shopping Direct Ltd UKEAT/0590/12/BA
Appeal by the claimant against a finding that although the ET had found in his favour regarding victimisation, by his dismissal, for raising concerns about homophobic treatment, he would have been dismissed 4 days later in any event. Appeal also against the rejection of his claims of harassment. Appeal allowed.
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08/08/2013 12:28
Costco Wholesale UK v Newfield UKEAT/0617/12/KN
Appeal against a finding that the respondent had failed to make reasonable adjustments and against an award of 4 weeks pay for the failure to provide the claimant with a contract of employment. Appeal allowed in part.
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08/08/2013 12:27
Visteon Engineering Services Ltd v Oliphant & Ors UKEAT/0010/13/BA
Appeal against an ET ruling that the claimants were entitled to a pay increase under their Mirrored Terms Agreement. Appeal dismissed.
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08/08/2013 12:25