Matinpour v Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council UKEAT/0537/12/RN
Appeal against a second ET’s finding that the claimant had not been subject to disability discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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18/07/2013 21:23
Vodafone Ltd v Nicholson UKEAT/0605/12/SM
Appeal against a finding of unfair dismissal and failure to make any deduction on the award for contributory fault. Appeal dismissed although the contributory fault issue was remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
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18/07/2013 21:20
Whitmar Publications Ltd v Gamage & Ors [2013] EWHC 1881 (Ch)
Application for injunctions preventing use and disclosure of allegedly confidential information and 'springboard' relief where ex-employees had set up a rival business. Application and relief granted.
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18/07/2013 21:17
Sakharkar v Northern Foods Grocery Group Ltd T/A Fox's Biscuits UKEAT/0314/12/MC
Appeal against the substantive award of compensation following a successful claim of unfair dismissal and against the refusal of a review. Appeal allowed.
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18/07/2013 21:14
Department for Work & Pensions v Coulson UKEAT/0572/12/LA
Appeal against a finding of unfair dismissal and the quantum of the award including pension loss up to the date of retirement. Appeal allowed in part.
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18/07/2013 21:11
Rowe v Halsall T/A Malvern Nursing Home UKEAT/0622/12/DM
Appeal against the refusal to review a decision striking out the claimant’s claims. Appeal dismissed.
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15/07/2013 13:19
Dakin v Brighton Marina Residential Management Company Ltd & Anor UKEAT/0380/12/SM
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant was not an employee and therefore could not bring claims of unfair dismissal. The EJ did not decide if, alternatively, he was a worker and therefore a claim of unpaid holiday pay was not addressed. Appeal allowed.
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14/07/2013 12:47
The Co-operative Group Ltd v Baddeley UKEAT/0415/12/JOJ
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had been unfairly dismissed. Request for ET to provide reasons for deciding that the disclosures made by the claimant amounted to protected disclosures.
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14/07/2013 12:43
The Governing Body of Story Wood School & Children's Centre v Jones UKEAT/0522/12/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s finding that the claimant had been constructively unfairly dismissed. Appeal dismissed.
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14/07/2013 12:32
Seymour v Fitness First Clubs Ltd UKEAT/0002/13/SM
Appeal against the strike out of the claimant’s claim of detrimental treatment on health and safety grounds. Appeal dismissed.
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14/07/2013 12:16