Centrewest Buses Ltd v Spencer UKEAT/0481/12/DM
Appeal against a finding of unfair dismissal after the claimant was dismissed for theft. Appeal allowed.
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11/07/2013 15:57
Toal & Anor v GB Oils Ltd UKEAT/0569/12/LA
Appeal against a ruling which rejected the claimants’ claims that the employer had breached s10 of the ERelA 1999 by not allowing the claimants their preferred person to accompany them at grievance meetings. Appeal allowed and remitted to the ET to determine compensation.
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11/07/2013 15:44
Hurst v Kelly UKEAT/0167/13/DM
Appeal against a decision by the ET that they did not have jurisdiction to hear a claim of victimisation which was directed only towards a fellow employee, a compromise agreements having been reached with the employer. Appeal allowed.
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11/07/2013 15:37
Odu-Obi v Interserve FM Ltd & Anor UKEAT/0206/13/RN
Appeal against a decision that whereas the respondent could rely upon actions preceding a date in February 2011, the claimant could not rely upon any matter before that date if to do so would be to criticise the respondent, after a compromise agreement had been reached in respect of the pre February 2011 events. Appeal allowed.
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08/07/2013 09:40
Patel v South Tyneside Council & Ors UKEAT/0491/12/MC
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claims of unfair dismissal and race discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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08/07/2013 09:38
Bozeat-Manzi v Telefonica UK Ltd UKEAT/0389/12/LA
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claims of unfair dismissal and disability discrimination on the basis that they were brought 1 day out of time. Appeal on the discrimination issue allowed, appeal on the unfair dismissal issue dismissed.
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08/07/2013 09:36
Dooley v UCATT UKEAT/0523/12/SM
Appeal against a decision that the respondent union's executive council had breached the implied rule that it would conduct its disciplinary procedures in line with natural justice by expelling the claimant from the union. Appeal dismissed.
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08/07/2013 09:35
Esporta Health Clubs & Anor v Roget UKEAT/0591/12/RN
Appeal against an award for injury to feelings made to the claimant despite the ET having no relevant material apart from closing submissions on which to base their decision. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal.
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08/07/2013 09:33
Vignakumar v Churchill Group Ltd UKEAT/0222/12/LA
Claimant’s appeal against a 65% reduction in compensation after his successful claim of unfair dismissal and disability discrimination. Respondent’s cross appeal against the award of any compensation after the date by which it decided a properly conducted investigation into the claimant’s conduct might have been concluded. Appeal and cross-appeal both dismissed.
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08/07/2013 09:31
Hadji v St Luke's Plymouth UKEAT/0095/12/BA
Appeal against a decision which ruled that the claimant had not been constructively unfairly dismissed. Appeal dismissed.
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03/07/2013 14:15