Barnett v H & H Gelato Ltd & Ors [2024] EAT 62
Appeal against 3 deposit orders made against the Claimant. Appeal allowed in part.
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28/06/2024 14:40
Edinboro v Jamma Umoja (Residential Services) Ltd [2024] EAT 61
Appeal against the striking out of the Claimant's claims. Appeal allowed.
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22/06/2024 14:28
First Great Western Limited v Moussa [2024] EAT 82
Appeal against a finding that the Respondent victimised the Claimant for having done a protected act and subjected him to detriments for having made protected disclosures. Appeal dismissed.
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21/06/2024 10:08
Kealy v Westfield Community Development Association [2023] EAT 96
Appeal against ET's decision to dismiss claims involving alleged protected disclosures
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11/08/2023 14:56
Ejvet v Genesis Education Trust [2022] EAT 75
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's claims of unfair dismissal, disability, discrimination and detriment for having made public interest disclosures. Appeal dismissed.
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09/06/2022 09:28
Hepburn v Crown Prosecution Service: [2022] EAT 24
Appeal concerning whether the tribunal had properly considered the detriments relied on by the claimant and in particular whether the tribunal had given sufficient reasons for its findings that there was no victimisation.
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01/03/2022 18:46
Fitzmaurice v Luton Irish Forum EA-2020-000295-RN
Appeal against the dismissal of a claim where the Claimant was alleging that she had suffered detriment as a result of making protected disclosures. Appeal allowed.
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15/12/2021 17:37
Windle v West Yorkshire Police EA-2020-000406-LA
Appeal against the decision of the ET dismissing the Claimant's complaints that she had been subjected to multiple detriments on the ground that she had made protected disclosures. Appeal allowed in part.
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29/11/2021 11:31
Oxford Said Business School v Heslop EA-2021-000268-VP
Appeal against a liability decision in favour of the Claimant (a) that she had been subjected to a number of detriments “on the grounds of” protected disclosures, and (b) that she had been constructively and unfairly dismissed. Appeal dismissed.
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29/11/2021 10:59
Hoppe v Revenue and Customs & Ors EA-2020-000093-RN, EA-2021-000354-RN; EA-2021-000684-RN; EA-2021-000685-RN; EA-2021-000692-RN; EA-2021-000693-RN; EA-2021-000694-RN
Appeal against various decisions involving detrimental treatment and protected disclosures. Most of the appeals were dismissed except for three relating to detrimental treatment on the grounds of protected disclosures.
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14/10/2021 12:34