Daughters v Aqua Financial Solutions Ltd UKEAT/0149/11/ZT
Appeal against the ET’s rejection of unfair and wrongful dismissal claims. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
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16/03/2012 15:28
Quashie v Methodist Homes Housing Association UKEAT/0422/11/DM
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claim of unfair dismissal. Appeal allowed.
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16/03/2012 15:22
Allsop v Christiani & Nielsen Ltd (In Administration) UKEAT/0241/11/JOJ
Appeal against a decision by the ET that the claimant’s claims for unlawful deductions were out of time and were, when properly analysed, claims for damages for breach of contract and outwith the statutory regime for unlawful deductions claims. Appeal dismissed.
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16/03/2012 14:23
Williams v Bannatyne Fitness Ltd UKEAT/0485/11/RN
Appeal against the dismissal of claims of victimisation, direct discrimination and disability-related discrimination. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal.
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16/03/2012 14:13
F v Cleveland Police Authority UKEAT/0586/11/JOJ
Appeal against the rejection of a disability discrimination claim. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal to reconsider the disability question.
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16/03/2012 14:08
Hill v G & R Pollard Engineering Limited UKEAT/0059/11/CEA
Appeal and cross appeal against the level of compensation awarded after a successful unfair dismissal claim. Both appeals dismissed.
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16/03/2012 13:55
Abellio London Ltd v Musse & Ors UKEAT/0283/11/CEA
Appeals against a finding that the claimants had been constructively unfairly dismissed following their resignations when their employer changed after a TUPE transfer.
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11/03/2012 16:32
Pasab Ltd & Anor v Woods UKEAT/0454/11/LA
Appeal against a decision that the claimant had been dismissed because she had done a protected act. Appeal allowed and the ET decision reversed.
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11/03/2012 12:54
Halpin v Sandpiper Books Ltd UKEAT/0171/11/LA
Appeal against the rejection of the claimant’s claim of unfair selection for redundancy. Appeal dismissed.
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11/03/2012 12:47
Niekrash v Southern London Healthcare NHS Trust UKEAT/0252/11/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s refusal to make an award of aggravated damages after the claimant was found to have suffered detriment after having made a protected disclosure. Appeal dismissed.
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09/03/2012 16:46