Warby v Wunda Group PLC UKEAT/0434/11/CEA
Appeal against a finding that the respondent had not discriminated against the claimant by reason of her sex. Appeal dismissed.
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15/04/2012 19:09
Redhead v London Borough of Hounslow UKEAT/0409/11/MAA
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant’s ET1 did not embrace claims of direct or indirect race discrimination and that the claim could not be amended to include such claims. Appeal on the first issue failed but the amendment issue was remitted to a fresh Tribunal for determination.
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15/04/2012 18:58
London Metropolitan University v Storfer UKEAT/0073/11/ZT
Appeal against a finding of unfair dismissal and the remedy judgment which followed. Appeal allowed in part.
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15/04/2012 18:02
Godfrey Morgan Solicitors Ltd v Marzan UKEAT/0465/11/DM
Appeal against a time preparation order and unless order which were made against the respondent in an unlawful deduction from wages case. First appeal rejected, and second appeal allowed and the claim was remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
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15/04/2012 17:45
C v M Ltd UKEAT/0549/10/LA
Appeal against a striking out of the claimant’s claim and costs orders. Appeal dismissed.
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15/04/2012 16:38
Gabriel v Peninsula Business Services Ltd UKEAT/0190/11/MAA
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant’s employment had transferred to the second respondent and therefore she had no claim against the first respondent because it was out of time. Appeal allowed and the matter returned to the ET for substantive hearing of her claims against both respondents.
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15/04/2012 16:31
Rogers v Dorothy Barley School UKEAT/0013/12/LA
Appeal against a ruling that the ET did not have jurisdiction to hear the claimant’s complaint of unlawful deductions from wages. Appeal dismissed.
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15/04/2012 16:26
Andorful v London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham UKEAT/0410/11/SM
Appeal against the striking out of a claim of race discrimination and against a costs order made against the claimant. The strike out appeal was rejected, but the costs were reduced from £10,000 to £5,000.
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15/04/2012 09:49
Ajayi & Anor v Aitch Care Homes (London) Ltd UKEAT/0464/11/JOJ
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimants’ claims of unfair dismissal when they were found sleeping on duty. Appeal dismissed.
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15/04/2012 09:44
Vanderpuye v Telefonica O2 UK UKEAT/0257/11/MAA, UKEAT/0258/11/MAA
Appeal against the striking out of the claimant’s claims because he had not complied with an unless order. Appeal dismissed.
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15/04/2012 09:38