Community Based Care Health Ltd v Narayan UKEAT/0162/18/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s decision that the Claimant was a “worker” within s 230(3)(b) Employment Rights Act 1996 (“ERA”) and was not an “employee” under s 230(1) ERA. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
11/09/2019 10:52
National Union of Professional Foster Carers (NUPFC) v Certification Officer UKEAT/0285/17/RN
Appeal against the Certification Officer’s decision rejecting the Appellant’s application to be entered on the list of trade unions maintained by the Certification Officer. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
30/07/2019 12:32
Chatfeild-Roberts v Phillips and another UKEAT/0049/18/LA
Appeal against the ET’s finding that the Claimant had the status of an “employee”, despite the fact that she was paid gross and she paid her own tax and NI contributions as though she was self-employed. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
16/01/2019 12:23
Uber B.V. ("UBV") & Ors v Aslam & Ors [2018] EWCA Civ 2748
Appeal against decision that the claimants in the ET were workers and so entitled to protection under the National Minimum Wage Act and the Working Time Directive. Appeal dismissed by a majority: Lord Underhill dissented.
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20/12/2018 10:14
Addison Lee Ltd v Lange & Ors UKEAT/0037/18/BA
Appeal against a ruling that the Claimant's were limb (b) workers and that, as such, they were entitled to holiday pay and to the national minimum wage; also against a ruling that time when the drivers were logged on to the Respondent's system, other than break times, was working time. Both appeals dismissed.
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15/11/2018 13:40
Pimlico Plumbers Ltd & Anor v Smith [2018] UKSC 29
Appeal against a decision that the Claimant was a limb (b) worker within the meaning of s230(3) of the ERA 1996 and therefore could pursue his claims of unlawful deductions, holiday pay and disability discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
13/06/2018 11:00
Pimlico Plumbers ‘gig economy’ appeal starts in Supreme Court today
Plumbing firm's appeal starts at 10.30 today
- news
20/02/2018 09:05
Uber B.V. & Ors v Aslam & Ors UKEAT/0056/17/DA
Appeal against a finding that Uber drivers were workers. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
13/11/2017 15:18
Aslam, Farrar and Others v Uber 2202551/2015 & Others
Judgment concerning whether the claimants are self employed or employed as workers as they claimed. It was found that the claimants were workers and so due adjusted pay under the National Minimum Wages Regulations
- cases
30/10/2016 10:27
Roberts v Wilson's Solicitors LLP & Ors UKEAT/0339/15/RN
Appeal against the striking out of the Claimant's claim for compensation for post-termination financial losses following the termination of his membership of the LLP. Appeal allowed.
- cases
26/04/2016 10:26