Insolvency Service takes 'closer look' at collective consultation and insolvency
Call for evidence published. Responses required by 12 June.
- news
24/03/2015 13:21
Sturmey v The Weymouth & Portland Borough Council UKEAT/0114/14/RN
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claim of age discrimination. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same ET.
- cases
20/02/2015 15:44
USDAW & Wilson v Woolworths & Ors (Case C-182/13)
Preliminary opinion on whether the phrase in the EU Collective Redundancies Directive 98/59 ‘at least 20’ dismissals referred to dismissals over the employer’s establishments, or the number in each establishment.
- cases
06/02/2015 10:02
Exol Lubricants Ltd v Birch & Anor UKEAT/0219/14/KN
Appeal against a finding that the claimants had been unfairly dismissed. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
02/01/2015 15:57
Sefton Borough Council v Wainwright UKEAT/0168/14/LA
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had been automatically unfairly dismissed and directly discriminated against after being made redundant whilst on maternity leave. Appeal allowed in part and the claimant was ordered to pay a part of the fee incurred by the respondent.
- cases
18/11/2014 11:20
Russell v College of North West London UKEAT/0314/13/MC
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claims of disability discrimination and the application of a Polkey deduction to her award for unfair dismissal. Cross-appeal against the finding of unfair dismissal. Appeal dismissed, cross-appeal allowed and the unfair dismissal decision was set aside.
- cases
25/09/2014 15:38
Johnson v Mitie Asset Management Ltd UKEAT/0046/14/LA
Appeal against the rejection of the claimant’s claims of unfair dismissal and disability discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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24/09/2014 14:37
Capital Energy Solutions v Arnold UKEAT/0138/14/JOJ
Appeal against a ruling that the expiry of the employees fixed term contracts, of which there were more than 20, triggered s188 of TULR(C)A and the award of a protective award because the employer had failed to consult. Appeal allowed and remitted to the EJ for further consideration.
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18/09/2014 10:15
Hakki v Instinctif Partners Ltd (formerly College Hill Ltd ) UKEAT/0112/14/RN
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant had been fairly dismissed by reason of redundancy. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
15/09/2014 18:50
Maymask (148) LLP v Jobson UKEAT/0470/13/JOJ
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had been unfairly dismissed. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
29/08/2014 11:08