Macquet v Naiade Resorts (UK) Ltd UKEAT/0495/10/CEA
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had been fairly dismissed by reason of redundancy. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
- cases
07/08/2011 16:26
Ventrac Sheet Metals Limited v Fairley UKEATS/0064/10/BI
Appeal against the compensation awarded to the successful claimant, where no Polkey reduction had been made. Appeal allowed and a Polkey reduction of 35% was made.
- cases
17/07/2011 20:27
Publicis Consultants UK Ltd v O'Farrell UKEAT/0430/10/DM
Appeal against a ruling that a payment made to the claimant after she was made redundant was an ex-gratia payment and not a payment that reflected or included compensation for monies she would have otherwise been entitled to by way of pay for her notice period. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
30/06/2011 13:48
Independent Insurance Co Ltd (In provisional liquidation) v Aspinall & Ors UKEAT/0051/11/CEA
Appeal against a ruling that the ET had the jurisdiction to make a protective award under s188-189 of TULRCA not only to the individual claiming the award but also to other redundant employees who had not brought a claim, or who had had their claims settled or dismissed. Appeal allowed.
- cases
24/06/2011 17:54
Phillips v Xtera Communications Ltd UKEAT/0244/10/DM
Appeal against rejection of claim for a protected award because of an alleged failure to hold a ballot to elect staff representatives in a redundancy exercise. Appeal dismissed.
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19/06/2011 11:32
Zeff v Lewis Day Transport UKEAT/0418/10/RN
Appeal by claimant against decision that no selection criteria were required in a redundancy situation and therefore the claimant had not been unfairly dismissed. Appeal dismissed.
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19/06/2011 10:30
Dabson v David Cover & Sons UKEAT/0374/10/SM
Appeal against ET decision that the dismissal of the claimant on grounds of redundancy was fair. Appeal dismissed.
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13/05/2011 13:11
First Scottish Searching Services Ltd v McDine & Anor UKEATS/0051/10/BI
Appeal against ruling that the claimants had been unfairly dismissed by reason of redundancy. Appeal allowed and ruling that the dismissals were fair was substituted.
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11/03/2011 10:09
Graff Diamonds Ltd v Boatwright UKEAT/0148/10/RN
Appeal against a ruling that the respondent had failed to comply with the requirements of TULRA and thus was liable to pay a protective award of 30 days to the claimant. Appeal by the claimant against the amount of the protective award. Both appeals allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal for a re-hearing.
- cases
01/03/2011 16:58
Redundancy - Selection, Scoring and Alternative Employment
Mark Shulman and Colin Sels of Cumberland Ellis consider how employers should handle redundancies in the light of recent cases on selection criteria and what needs to be done in terms of offering alternative employment and applying scoring exercises.
- resources
22/02/2011 10:25