Dzieddziak v Future Electronics Ltd UKEAT/0270/11/ZT
Appeal against a decision to apply Polkey and award nil compensation after a successful claim of unfair dismissal, and against the rejection of a sex discrimination claim. Cross appeal against the finding of unfair dismissal and race discrimination. Both appeal and cross appeal failed.
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29/03/2012 17:42
Samsung Electronics (UK) Ltd v Monte-D'Cruz UKEAT/0039/11/DM
Appeal against finding of unfair dismissal where the claimant was unsuccessful in securing a new role following a reorganisation. The ET had found that there was inadequate consultation and unsatisfactory criteria for the interview for an alternative role. Appeal allowed on both points.
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02/03/2012 15:39
Capita Hartshead Ltd v Byard UKEAT/0445/11/RN
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant’s dismissal was unfair because she was selected for redundancy from a pool comprising only the claimant. Appeal dismissed.
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23/02/2012 18:22
University of Stirling v University and College Union UKEATS/0001/11/BI
Appeal against a ruling that employees who were employed under fixed term contracts were covered by s188 of TULR(C)A in respect of collective redundancies. Appeal allowed.
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17/02/2012 12:46
HM Land Registry v Benson & Ors UKEAT/0197/11/RN
Appeal by respondents against finding that their operation of a voluntary redundancy scheme was discriminatory on grounds of age and sex. The appeal relating to age discrimination was allowed but the appeal relating to sex was dismissed.
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10/02/2012 16:09
USDAW and Others v WW Realisation 1 Limited (in Liquidation) and Others (Case Numbers: 3201156/2010 and others)
Employment Tribunal decision concerning claims for protective awards following the demise of Woolworths and involving consideration of the meaning of establishment for the purposes of making such an award. Protective awards were made but did not apply to anyone employed at a store with less than 20 employees.
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29/01/2012 18:37
Readman v Devon Primary Care Trust UKEAT/0116/11/ZT
Appeal against a ruling by the ET that the claimant was not entitled to a statutory redundancy payment on the basis that she had unreasonably refused an offer of alternative employment. Appeal allowed and statutory redundancy award made to the claimant.
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19/01/2012 17:59
Charles Scott And Partners Consulting Engineers Ltd v Hamilton UKEATS/0072/10/BI
Appeal against finding that a redundancy dismissal had been substantively and procedurally unfair. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh tribunal.
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14/10/2011 17:51
London Clubs Management Ltd v Rooney UKEATS/0019/11/BI
Appeal against a decision that the claimant had been unfairly dismissed and not by reason of redundancy as contended by the respondent. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
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21/09/2011 17:17
Richardson v HSBC Bank PLC UKEAT/0499/10/RN
Appeal against a remedy judgment after a successful claim of unfair dismissal and an application to amend Notice of Appeal. Appeal allowed and application refused.
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19/08/2011 15:39