Roberts v Carlin UKEAT/0183/09/DA
Appeal against a finding by the Employment Tribunal that the claimant had been unfairly dismissed on the grounds of her pregnancy. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal for a re-hearing.
- cases
17/12/2010 16:08
Equality Act 2010 (Amendment) Order 2010
**[SI 2010 No 2622](**This Order amends section 76 of the Equality Act 2010 (c.15) ("the Act") to ensure that a claim for pregnancy and maternity discrimination cannot be brought in relation to a…
- legislation
01/11/2010 17:23
Kulikaoskas v MacDuff Shellfish & Anor UKEATS/0062/09/BI; UKEATS/0063/09/BI
Appeal against ET decision not to accept his ET1 which claimed associative sex discrimination. The claimant claimed that he had been dismissed as a result of his partners pregnancy, the partner also having being dismissed by the same employer. The EAT concluded that there was no reasonable doubt as to the correct interpretation of s3A of the Sex Discrimination Act and thus did not need to be referred to the ECJ for clarification. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
05/10/2010 16:16
Nixon v Ross Coates Solicitors & Anor UKEAT/0108/10/ZT
Appeal against a ruling that, although the Tribunal found in the claimant’s favour in respect of unfair constructive dismissal, the claimant had not suffered sex or pregnancy-related discrimination. Second appeal relating to the reduction in compensation. Cross appeal by the employer against the ruling of unfair dismissal. Appeals succeeded, cross appeal failed.
- cases
30/09/2010 14:54
Equality Act 2010: The Section 13 Pregnancy Discrimination Mystery
Sean Jones, of 11kbw, ponders some problematic drafting about pregnancy discrimination in the Equality Act 2010.
- resources
21/09/2010 18:44
Simpson v Endsleigh Insurance Services Ltd & Ors UKEAT/0544/09/DA
Appeal against finding that the claimant’s redundancy during maternity leave was not automatic unfair dismissal. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
31/08/2010 14:38
Age Concern Newcastle Upon Tyne v Brady UKEAT 0187/09/JOJ
Appeal against finding that discrimination had occurred on the grounds that the finding had not been based on a claim advanced by the claimant. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
26/01/2010 09:14
O'Neil v Buckinghamshire County Council UKEAT/0020/09/JOJ
Appeal against decision by ET to reject claims of sex discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
05/01/2010 13:47