Walsall Metropolitan Borough Council v Oliver [2024] EAT 193
Appeal by respondent employer against a finding of automatic unfair dismissal as this was not part of the original claim.
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11/02/2025 10:45
Ciochon v Mark Kempe t/a Neville Arms & Neville Arms Inn [2024] EAT 48
Appeal where the claimant was made redundant weeks after informing her employer she was pregnant.
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28/04/2024 14:04
Pereira v GFT Financial Limited [2023] EAT 124
Appeal against the refusal of an application for reconsideration of a refusal to permit amendments to a claim form to add dismissal for pregnancy and/or asserting a statutory right. Appeal allowed.
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13/10/2023 10:33
Alcedo Orange Ltd v Ferridge-Gunn [2023] EAT 78
Appeal by respondents against decision that the dismissal was unfair as it related to the pregnancy of the claimant not her performance.
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23/06/2023 10:02
Chief Constable of Devon and Cornwall Police v Town UKEAT/0194/19/LA
Appeal against the ET’s decision upholding the Claimant’s claims of pregnancy discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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18/01/2021 18:19
Tarn v Hughes & Ors UKEAT/0064/18/DM
Appeal against a ruling that the Claimant could rely on 10 events to back up her claim, whilst using others as background or context only. Appeal allowed.
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01/08/2018 16:26
Serco Leisure Operating Ltd v Lau UKEAT/0120/17/RN
Appeal against a finding the Claimant had suffered less favourable treatment under s18 EA 2010 because she was pregnant. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same ET to determine the s18 issue afresh.
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14/06/2018 17:11
Pets At Home Ltd v MacKenzie UKEAT/0146/17/RN
Appeal against a finding of constructive unfair dismissal. Appeal allowed.
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23/03/2018 12:24
Really Easy Car Credit Ltd v Thompson UKEAT/0197/17/DA
Appeal against a finding of automatic unfair dismissal by reason of pregnancy. Appeal allowed.
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06/03/2018 11:05
Interserve FM Ltd v Tuleikyte UKEAT/0267/16/JOJ
Appeal against a finding that the Claimant (who was on maternity leave) had been subject to unlawful direct discrimination when she was classed as a leaver as a result of the employer’s blanket application of a policy of treating employees who had been absent without pay for a period of three months as leavers and erasing them from employment records. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal.
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25/04/2017 12:04