Donald v AVC Media Enterprises Ltd UKEATS/0016/14/JW
Appeal against the level of the monetary award after a successful claim of constructive unfair dismissal and the dismissal of the pregnancy related discrimination claim. Cross-appeal against the remedy judgment. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal. The cross-appeal was dismissed.
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09/01/2017 10:45
Nicholson v Hazel House Nursing Home Ltd UKEAT/0241/15/LA
Appeal against a finding that the Claimant was not constructively unfairly dismissed. Appeal allowed and a finding of constructive unfair dismissal was substituted.
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04/07/2016 13:49
Peninsula Business Services Ltd v Donaldson UKEAT/0249/15/DM
Appeal against a finding that the Respondent’s salary sacrifice scheme (which required prospective entrants to agree to the suspension of childcare vouchers during maternity leave) was discriminatory. Appeal allowed and claim dismissed.
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10/03/2016 21:28
Interaction Recruitment Plc v Morris UKEAT/0090/14/BA
Appeal against the level of award made for injury to feelings after the claimant won her claim of sex discrimination.
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04/12/2014 10:55
Lyons v DWP Jobcentre Plus UKEAT/0348/13/JOJ
Appeal against the rejection of the claimant’s claims of direct sex discrimination and pregnancy/maternity discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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08/03/2014 21:26
The Commissioner of Police for the Metropolis v Keohane UKEAT/0463/12/RN
Appeal against a finding that decisions to take away and then not to re-allocate a PC’s police dog to her following her maternity leave was direct discrimination. Cross-appeal against a ruling that the policy in relation to the retention, re-allocation or withdrawal of police dogs was not indirect discrimination.
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04/03/2014 16:38
Kidron House v Howie UKEATS/0036/13/BI
Appeal against the level of award awarded to the claimant after her claim of pregnancy related dismissal was allowed. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal to consider again the question of compensation.
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28/02/2014 14:49
Yekinni v London Borough of Hackney & Ors UKEAT/0602/12/SM
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claims of sex discrimination on the grounds of pregnancy, constructive unfair dismissal on the grounds of maternity, unlawful deductions and victimisation. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
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16/08/2013 14:07
Parexel International Ltd v Adnett UKEAT/0381/12/CEA
Appeal against a refusal to adjourn a hearing to decide an unfair dismissal claim. Appeal allowed, decision set aside but application for adjournment refused.
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28/07/2012 10:49
Cromwell Garage Ltd v Doran UKEAT/0369/10/ZT
Appeal against a finding of unfair dismissal and direct sex discrimination arising out of the treatment the claimant received following her maternity leave. Appeal dismissed.
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27/05/2011 10:26