holiday pay
Coleman & Ors v Polestar UK Print Ltd UKEAT/0376/14/MC
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimants' claims for unpaid holiday pay. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
27/04/2015 09:34
New Practice Directions on holiday pay issued
New Practice Directions published to handle large volumes of application to amend claims now being received.
- news
27/03/2015 16:12
Lock & Ors v British Gas Trading Ltd & Anor Case No 1900503/2012
Ruling in Lock v British Gas
- cases
27/03/2015 10:30
January 2015 CPD Questions
9 questions relating to Mark Shulman's article on deductions, tax and holiday pay in relation to termination
- resources
26/01/2015 12:26
Termination Trio - Case Round-Up: January 2015
In this month's round-up, Mark Shulman consultant solicitor with Keystone Law, looks at recent cases on deductions, tax and holiday pay in relation to termination.
- resources
11/01/2015 20:50
Sash Window Workshop Ltd & Anor v King UKEAT/0057/14/MC; UKEAT/0058/14/MC
Appeal against a ruling in which awards were made relating to pay in lieu of untaken holiday accruing in previous years. Cross appeal against the level of award for injury to feelings. Appeal and cross-appeal both allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal.
- cases
03/12/2014 14:50
Bear Scotland & Ors v Fulton & Ors UKEATS/0047/13/BI
Appeal against an ET ruling that overtime payments should be included in the calculation of holiday pay. Cross-appeal against the ET's decision that taxable remuneration for time spent travelling to work did not fall within "normal remuneration" for the purpose of calculating holiday pay. Appeal dismissed and cross-appeal allowed.
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04/11/2014 11:30
Timbulas v The Construction Workers Guild Ltd UKEAT/0325/13/GE
Appeal against two decision made by the ET concerning the calculation of holiday pay and the issue of consequential loss. Appeal allowed in part.
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22/01/2014 16:43
Sood Enterprises Ltd v Healey UKEATS/0015/12/BI
Appeal against a decision by the ET regarding the amount of holiday pay due to the claimant who resigned following a period of sickness absence and who had not requested holiday during this period. Appeal allowed in part.
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18/07/2013 21:25
Wainwright & Cummins v Snowdon UKEAT/0386/12/JOJ
Appeal against a decision not to reduce the claimant's award for contributory fault, and against an award for accrued holiday pay going back further than 1 year before dismissal. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
24/03/2013 09:52