City of London Corporation v McDonnell UKEAT/0074/18/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s refusal to adjourn a Remedies Hearing. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh ET (the Regional Employment Judge).
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13/01/2019 18:25
Stefanko and others v Maritime Hotel Ltd (in voluntary liquidation) and another UKEAT/0024/18/OO
Appeal against (1) the ET’s finding that the Second Claimant was not entitled to a statement of terms and conditions of employment, and (2) the ET’s approach to the Claimants’ complaints of direct race discrimination. Appeal allowed on both counts, and remitted to fresh ET.
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11/01/2019 16:53
Employment Rights Advice Ltd v Vernon and Volksmaster Ltd UKEAT/0082/18/LA
Appeal against the ET’s Reconsideration of a Costs Judgment. Appeal dismissed.
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10/01/2019 16:09
Asda Stores Ltd v Raymond UKEAT/0268/17/DA & UKEAT/0269/17/DA
Appeal by the Respondent against the ET’s finding that the Claimant’s dismissal was unfair and arose from his disability, and against an order for reinstatement. Appeal dismissed.
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10/01/2019 13:05
Office for Gas and Electricity Markets v Pytel UKEAT/0044/17/JOJ
Appeal by the Respondent against the ET’s finding, in relation to a whistleblowing claim, that it was possible, in accordance with s 3 Human Rights Act 1998, to read legislation prohibiting the disclosure of documents so as to be compatible with the Claimant’s Convention rights. Appeal allowed.
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03/01/2019 19:27
Lamb v The Garrard Academy UKEAT/0042/18/RN
Appeal against the ET’s conclusion that the duty to make reasonable adjustments did not arise in this case. Appeal allowed.
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02/01/2019 19:40
Mansfield v Taran Microsystems Ltd UKEAT/0307/17/OO
Appeal against alleged failure by the ET to apply the statutory test for the award of compensation; and contention that the ET had made a perverse finding of fact. Appeal allowed in part and remitted, by agreement, to same ET.
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01/01/2019 16:19
Uber B.V. ("UBV") & Ors v Aslam & Ors [2018] EWCA Civ 2748
Appeal against decision that the claimants in the ET were workers and so entitled to protection under the National Minimum Wage Act and the Working Time Directive. Appeal dismissed by a majority: Lord Underhill dissented.
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20/12/2018 10:14
Singh v Glass Express Midlands Limited UKEAT/0071/18/DM
Appeal against nil basic and compensatory awards by the ET which held that, although the Claimant’s dismissal was procedurally unfair, a fair process would have made no difference, any award should be reduced by reason of the Claimant’s conduct, and the Claimant had not mitigated his loss. Appeal allowed in part and remitted to same ET.
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19/12/2018 16:19
Campbell v British Airways Plc UKEATS/0015/17/JW
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's claim of unlawful deduction of wages. Appeal dismissed.
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17/12/2018 10:15