Governing Body of Tywyn Primary School v Aplin UKEAT/0298/17/LA
Appeal against the ET’s decisions that the Claimant was unfairly constructively dismissed from his post and that he was discriminated against by the investigating officer. Appeal dismissed, but the Claimant’s cross-appeal was allowed to the extent that it related to the School Governors.
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28/03/2019 20:28
Dee v Suffolk County Council UKEAT/0180/18/BA & UKEAT/0181/18/BA
Appeal against the ET’s decisions that (1) a compensatory award in respect of the Claimant’s unfair dismissal should be reduced by 50% to take account of a Polkey reduction, and that the contributory fault reduction should be applied to the balance, resulting in an overall 75% reduction; and (2) no uplift should be applied for breaches of the ACAS Code. Appeal and cross-appeal allowed.
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27/03/2019 19:34
London Luton Airport Operations Ltd and another v Levick UKEAT/0270/18/LA
Appeal against the ET’s decision that the Claimant was a disabled person pursuant to s 6 Equality Act 2010 (“EqA”) by virtue of suffering with depression. Appeal allowed.
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27/03/2019 17:27
iForce Ltd v Wood UKEAT/0167/18/DA
Appeal against the ET’s decision upholding the Claimant’s claim of disability discrimination contrary to s 15 Equality Act 2010 (“EqA”). Appeal allowed.
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26/03/2019 18:11
Read v Ryder Ltd UKEAT/0144/18/BA
Appeal against the ET’s decision upholding the Respondent’s counterclaim, for the repayment of course fees, to the Claimant’s claim in respect of his final pay package. Appeal allowed.
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25/03/2019 17:09
Governing Body of Sutton Oak Church of England Primary School and others v Whittaker UKEAT/0211/18/BA
Appeal against the ET’s decision upholding the Claimant’s claims of unfair dismissal and direct discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation. Appeal allowed.
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22/03/2019 11:33
Forse and others v Secarma Ltd and others [2019] EWCA Civ 215
Appeal against the High Court decision granting an interim springboard injunction against the Appellants who, with other defendants, were alleged to be liable to the Respondents for the tort of conspiracy to injure by unlawful means. Appeal dismissed.
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21/03/2019 14:51
Birmingham City Council v UNITE the Union & Anor [2019] EWHC 478 (QB)
Application by Birmingham City Council for an injunction to restrain two trade unions, Unite and UNISON who represent members employed by BCC from calling industrial action and strike action amongst their members at various depots in the Birmingham area. Application refused.
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20/03/2019 16:01
Wilko Retail Ltd v Gaskell and another UKEAT/0191/18/BA
Appeal against the ET’s decision upholding the Claimants’ claims of unfair dismissal. Appeal allowed.
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20/03/2019 15:09
North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust v Gregg [2019] EWCA Civ 387
Appeal against a decision that the Trust was or would be in breach of contract for failing, amongst other things, to pay the employee's salary during the period when he was the subject of an interim suspension. Appeal dismissed on the salary issue but allowed on the other two.
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20/03/2019 14:44