Ahmed v The Cardinal Hume Academies UKEAT/0196/18/RN
Appeal against the ET’s rejection of the Claimant’s claims of discrimination, harassment and unfair constructive dismissal. Appeal dismissed.
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09/04/2019 15:21
Muehlhan Industrial Services Ltd v Murphy UKEATS/0013/18/JW
Appeal against the ET’s decision of unfair dismissal, resulting in a monetary award to the Claimant that was subject to a 50% reduction for contributory fault. Appeal dismissed.
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08/04/2019 16:22
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) v Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) UKEAT/0160/17/RN
Appeal from the decision of the Central Arbitration Committee (“CAC”) that it had jurisdiction to consider the complaint of the Public and Commercial Services Union (“PCS”) against the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (“ACAS”) made pursuant to reg 22(1) Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004 (“ICER”). Appeal dismissed.
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07/04/2019 16:05
Prasad v Epsom & St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust UKEAT/0111/18/RN
Appeal against the ET’s decision to dismiss a particular complaint of harassment brought by the Claimant. Appeal and cross-appeal allowed.
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05/04/2019 09:48
ICTS (UK) Ltd v Visram UKEAT/0133/18/BA & UKEAT/0134/18/BA
Appeals against the ET’s determination of the Claimant’s remedies for discrimination arising from disability and for unfair dismissal. Respondent’s appeal dismissed and Claimant’s appeal allowed.
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04/04/2019 20:44
Uwalaka v Southern Health Foundation NHS Trust UKEAT/0115/18/DA
Appeal against the ET’s findings that neither the Claimant’s protected disclosure nor any discrimination had played a part in his suspension. Appeal dismissed.
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03/04/2019 11:36
First Greater Western Ltd and another v Waiyego UKEAT/0056/18/RN
Appeal against the ET’s decision on the issue of financial compensation regarding the Claimant’s claims of failure to make reasonable adjustments and discrimination arising from disability. Appeal and cross-appeal dismissed.
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02/04/2019 13:56
Linsley v HM Revenue and Customs UKEAT/0150/18/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s dismissal of the Claimant’s claim that the Respondent had failed to make a reasonable adjustment in respect of her disability. Appeal allowed.
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01/04/2019 18:10
Radia v Jefferies International Ltd UKEAT/0123/18/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s dismissal of the Claimant’s claims for automatically unfair dismissal pursuant to s 103A Employment Rights Act 1996 (“ERA”), victimisation, detriments arising from a protected disclosure and for unfair dismissal pursuant to s 98 ERA. Appeal allowed in part.
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29/03/2019 15:40
Scanlon v Young Engineers Ltd UKEAT/0127/18/OO
Appeal against the ET’s decision awarding the Claimant a reduced amount of unpaid wages in accordance with the Respondent’s case. Appeal allowed.
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29/03/2019 13:22