St Christopher's Fellowship v Walters-Ennis [2010] EWCA Civ 252
Renewed application for permission to appeal by charity that they had discriminated against the claimant on racial grounds. Application granted.
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24/03/2010 15:28
Connor v Surrey County Council [2010] EWCA Civ 286
Appeal by local authority against decision that it had breached its duty of care of looking after the welfare of its staff resulting in psychiatric damage to a headteacher. Appeal dismissed.
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24/03/2010 14:58
South London Healthcare NHS Trust v Al-Rubeyi UKEAT/0269/09/SM
Appeal against a ruling that upheld the claimant’s claims of victimisation following a protected disclosure act. Appeal allowed.
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24/03/2010 14:42
M&L Sheet Metals Ltd v Willis UKEAT/0474/09/RN
Appeal against ruling that upheld the claimant's claim of constructive unfair dismissal and harassment on the grounds of his sexual orientation. Appeal dismissed and an application for the claimant's costs to be paid by the respondent was also dismissed.
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24/03/2010 14:17
A v B UKEAT/0206/09/SM
This was a supplementary judgment requesting further submissions from both parties as to whether the original judgment should remain anonymised. The EAT decided that the effect of Article 8 of the ECHR was that the Tribunal should, in the exercise of its powers to regulate its procedure under s. 30 (3) of the Employment Tribunals Act 1996 Act, confirm the steps already taken to protect the claimant’s identity.
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24/03/2010 13:50
The North West London Hospitals NHS Trust v Bowater UKEAT/0144/09/LA
Appeal against a majority decision that the claimant had been unfairly dismissed. On the question of whether or not a remark made by the claimant amounted to gross misconduct the EAT decided that the ET had wrongly substituted its opinion of what would have been reasonable. The appeal succeeded and the decision was substituted for that of the minority ET judgment.
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24/03/2010 13:22
Darnton v Bournemouth University UKEAT/0391/09/RN
Appeal by applicant, who had made a request under the Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004, that a penalty be awarded against the employer for breaching these regulations. The President, having examined the reasons put forward by the employer, concluded they were not reasonable excuses. He set a penalty of £10,000 which, whilst at the lower end of the available scale, was not negligible due to the seriousness of the breach.
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24/03/2010 13:03
Williamson v The Chief Constable of the Greater Manchester Police & Anor UKEAT/0346/09/DM
Appeal against a decision at a pre-hearing review not to allow a covert recording of a meeting between the respondents to form part of the claimant's evidence. Appeal dismissed.
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24/03/2010 12:52
Mehta v The Mayor & Burgess of the London Borough of Hackney UKEAT/0182/08/RN
Appeal against decision that time should not be extended for claims of unfair dismissal, sex and race discrimination. The EAT ruled that the ET had not erred in law in refusing to extend time, since they had not been shown any material factor which was before the Tribunal and which it failed to take properly into account. Costs of £900 were also awarded against the claimant. Appeal dismissed.
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24/03/2010 12:36
Ramkissoon v Brompton Bicycles Ltd UKEAT/0324/09/DM
Appeal against decision that the claimant was not unfairly dismissed. The EAT decided that the ET had overlooked a part of the evidence which might or might not have been of crucial importance. The EAT also questioned the ET's decision that the investigation undertaken by the employer regarding the claimant's alleged fiddling of his timesheets was adequate. The matter was remitted to a different Tribunal for a re-hearing.
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24/03/2010 12:24