Habashi v The Crown Prosecution Service UKEAT/0554/10/CEA
Appeal against a ruling by the ET that the claimant had not been discriminated against by reason of race or religion after she failed to get short listed for an internal post. Appeal dismissed.
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09/09/2011 13:06
McKinson v Hackney Community College & Ors UKEAT/0237/11/JOJ
Appeal against various case management orders made against the claimant. Appeal allowed in part.
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09/09/2011 12:58
Jackson v Cambridgeshire County Council & Ors UKEAT/0402/09/JOJ
Appeal against a wasted costs order made against the representative of the claimant where the respondent claimed that he was acting for the claimant in pursuit of profit. Appeal allowed.
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03/09/2011 17:35
Godfrey Morgan Solicitors Ltd v Cobalt Systems Ltd UKEAT/0608/10/LA
Appeal against a wasted costs order made against the claimant’s solicitors. Appeal dismissed.
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03/09/2011 17:28
Thornton v Jones UKEAT/0068/11/SM
Appeal against the decision to refuse a review of the decision to disentitle the respondent from taking part in unfair dismissal and disability discrimination proceedings, and against the substantive decision which found in favour of the claimant. Both appeals allowed.
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03/09/2011 17:15
Abusabib & Anor v Taddese UKEATPA/1819/10/ZT
Appeal against the refusal by the Deputy Registrar not to grant relief from sanctions in respect of the filing of documentation. Appeal allowed.
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03/09/2011 17:09
Advance Security UK Ltd v Sheeba UKEAT/0057/11/RN
Appeal against a liability and remedy judgment which found in favour of the claimant in an unfair dismissal case. Appeal allowed in part.
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03/09/2011 16:57
Baxter v Titan Aviation Ltd UKEAT/0355/10/SM
Appeal against rejection of claims of discrimination, victimisation and a failure the pay the National Minimum Wage. Appeal dismissed.
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01/09/2011 17:40
Salford NHS Primary Care Trust v Smith UKEAT/0507/10/JOJ
Appeal by the respondent against a ruling that they had not made reasonable adjustments and that the claimant had been constructively unfairly dismissed. Cross-appeal by the claimant, arguing that she should have been given a career break. Appeal allowed, cross-appeal dismissed.
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28/08/2011 12:10
Baraheni v Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust UKEAT/0137/11/ZT
Appeal against a refusal by the ET to order the respondent to disclose a large number of documents in electronic format. Appeal dismissed.
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28/08/2011 12:08