Glasgow City Council v Cunningham UKEATS/0024/06/MT
Appeal against an order made by the ET which upheld the claimant’s claim of unlawful deduction from wages. Appeal allowed by a majority.
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29/07/2011 14:38
NHS Leeds v Larner UKEAT/0088/11/CEA
Appeal against a decision by the ET that the claimant, who had been off sick for the whole of one pay year, was still entitled to her accrued holiday pay, even though she had not requested to take any paid annual leave during this period. Appeal dismissed.
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29/07/2011 14:31
Autoclenz v Belcher & Ors [2011] UKSC 41
Appeal against finding that the claimants were workers for the purposes of the minimum wage and working time regulations, rather than being self-employed as claimed by the respondent. Appeal dismissed.
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27/07/2011 11:30
Fereday v South Staffordshire NHS Primary Care Trust UKEAT/0513/10/ZT
Appeal against the dismissal of a claim of unfair constructive dismissal. Appeal dismissed.
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25/07/2011 10:32
Bird v Stoke on Trent Primary Care Trust UKEAT/0074/11/DM
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant was not entitled to redundancy pay because she had refused the offers of alternative employment. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
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22/07/2011 17:43
Smith v London Metropolitan University UKEAT/0364/10/DM
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant was not unfairly dismissed nor had she suffered detriment as a result of making protected disclosures. Cross-appeal against a finding that the respondent’s failure to permit a governor to be present at the claimant’s grievance appeal constituted a fundamental breach of contract. Appeal against the unfair dismissal decision and the cross-appeal both allowed. The claimant’s claim was remitted to the Tribunal for a re-hearing.
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22/07/2011 17:36
Sood v The Governing Body of Christ The King School & Ors UKEAT/0449/10/ZT
Appeal against a decision to strike out part of the claimant’s claim. Appeal allowed.
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22/07/2011 17:24
Driver v Air India Ltd [2011] EWCA Civ 830
Appeal by claimant concerning payment of overtime and shift allowances where the respondent disputed whether they were contractually bound to make the payments. Appeal allowed.
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22/07/2011 17:13
Wincanton PLC v Atkinson & Anor UKEAT/0040/11/DM
Appeal against a ruling that the claimants had been unfairly and wrongly dismissed. Appeal allowed on the unfair dismissal and a fair dismissal was substituted. The wrongful dismissal claim was remitted to the Tribunal.
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22/07/2011 14:36
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust v Hamshaw & Ors UKEAT/0037/11/JOJ
Appeal against a ruling that there had not been a TUPE transfer, whether a transfer of undertakings or a service provision. Appeal dismissed.
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22/07/2011 14:27