Malik v Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust & Ors UKEAT/0117/11/ZT
Appeal against the striking out of all the live claims brought by the claimant. Appeal dismissed.
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16/09/2011 16:30
Halliday v Laurent Perrier (UK) Ltd UKEAT/0568/10/JOJ
Appeal against a ruling by the ET that the claimant was not dismissed by reason of his disability. Appeal dismissed.
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09/09/2011 15:12
Walker v Church Mission Society UKEAT/0036/11/ZT
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant was not entitled to bring her claim of unfair dismissal because there was no jurisdiction in respect of her employment which was in Africa. Appeal dismissed.
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09/09/2011 15:02
Hughes v The Corps of Commissionaires Management Ltd [2011] EWCA Civ 1061
Appeal concerning construction of Working Time Regulations in circumstances where the claimant, a security guard on shift, could not be certain of uninterrupted breaks. Appeal dismissed.
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09/09/2011 14:53
Chivas Brothers Ltd v Robertson UKEATS/0066/10/BI
Appeal against a finding of unfair dismissal. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal for a re-hearing.
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09/09/2011 14:45
Renfrewshire Women's Aid v Lewis UKEATS/0008/11/BI
Appeal against a finding of unfair dismissal. Appeal dismissed.
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09/09/2011 14:34
Hamilton & Ors v NHS Grampian UKEATS/0067/10/BI
Appeal against the dismissal of claims of unlawful deduction of wages and breach of contract.
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09/09/2011 14:06
McMichael v East Sussex County Council UKEAT/0091/11/SM
Appeal against a refusal by the ET to review the decision that the claimant’s claims should be struck out. Appeal allowed and remitted to a different Tribunal.
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09/09/2011 13:49
Perry v Imperial College Healthcare Trust UKEAT/0473/10/JOJ
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant was fairly dismissed. Appeal allowed and a finding of unfair dismissal, with a 30% contributory fault element, was substituted.
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09/09/2011 13:40
Royal Mail Group Ltd v Kelly UKEAT/0001/11/JOJ
Appeal against a finding of unfair dismissal. Appeal dismissed apart from the finding of automatic unfair dismissal which was set aside.
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09/09/2011 13:33