UK Mail Ltd v Creasey UKEAT/0195/12/ZT
Appeal against a finding that the claimant was a worker and thus could bring his claims to the ET. Appeal allowed and the claimant’s claims dismissed.
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15/11/2012 18:25
Ministry of Justice v Parry UKEAT/0068/12/ZT
Appeal by the respondent employer against a finding that the claimant had been unfairly dismissed. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
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15/11/2012 18:17
Kulkarni v NHS Education Scotland & Anor UKEATS/0031/12/BI
Appeal against the rejection of a consultant surgeon’s claim of discrimination based on the fact that he had not had a trainee allocated to him for five years. Appeal dismissed.
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15/11/2012 17:56
Ashby v JJB Sports PLC UKEAT/0114/12/JOJ
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had not been unfairly dismissed despite the respondent not warning or consulting him about a possible redundancy situation. Appeal dismissed.
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15/11/2012 17:46
LTRS Estates Ltd T/A Orwells v Hamilton UKEAT/0230/12/KN
Appeal against a successful claim of unlawful deductions from wages . Appeal allowed and remitted for a complete re-hearing before a different Employment Judge.
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15/11/2012 17:41
Lloyd v BCQ Ltd UKEAT/0148/12/KN
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claims of a golden handshake, money under a personal health insurance policy and money in lieu of holiday pay whilst off sick, after his dismissal due to ill health. Holiday pay issue remitted to a different Tribunal in light of the decision of the CoA in Leeds v Larner.
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15/11/2012 17:37
Jefferson (Commercial) LLP v Westgate UKEAT/0128/12/SM
Appeal against a finding of unfair dismissal. Appeal allowed and unfair dismissal ruling was overturned.
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15/11/2012 17:25
Redfearn v The United Kingdom Application no. 47335/06
Appeal that dismissal of the appellant for being elected as a councillor for the BNP was a violation of his article 9,10,11 & 13 rights. The Court held by a majority of 4 to 3 that the appellant's Article 11 rights had been violated.
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12/11/2012 08:46
Novak v Phones 4U Ltd UKEAT/0279/12/JOJ
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant’s claims of disability discrimination were out of time. Appeal allowed and remitted to a full merits hearing.
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09/11/2012 16:25
Lindsay v London School of Economics & Political Science UKEAT/0441/11/JOJ
Appeal by the respondent against a finding of victimisation. Appeal by the claimant against the dismissal of two of her direct discrimination claims taking the form of harassment. Respondent's appeal allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal. Claimant's appeal dismissed.
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09/11/2012 16:15