Imam-Sadeque v Bluebay Asset Management (Services) Ltd [2012] EWHC 3511 (QB)
Judgment in proceedings relating to £1.7m in shares in the defendant's business which would be due to the claimant if he was deemed to be a Good Leaver but where it was alleged he had breached the terms of a compromise agreement by assisting the set-up of another business while on garden leave. The judge found against the claimant.
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16/12/2012 18:17
Parekh v London Borough of Brent [2012] EWCA Civ 1630
Appeal arising from decisions at a PHR which the claimant alleged would prevent him from challenging the respondent’s view that he was dismissed for capability reasons. Appeal dismissed.
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16/12/2012 18:14
Charles v Tesco Stores Ltd [2012] EWCA Civ 1663
Appeal against decision that claims under the RRA 1976 were out of time where the claimant submitted that the ET and EAT had erred in not accounting for the complaints in his ET1 concerning subsequent negotiations and withdrawal of offers, and which were part of a continuing act. Appeal allowed.
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16/12/2012 18:08
X v Mid Sussex Citizens Advice Bureau and another [2012] UKSC 59
Appeal concerning whether a volunteer worker could fall within the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The Supreme Court rejected the appeal and agreed unanimously that the Framework Directive was not intended to cover volunteer workers in the appellant's position. Therefore there was no need for a ruling from the CJEU.
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12/12/2012 11:58
Premier Model Management Ltd v Bruce & Ors [2012] EWHC 3509 QB
Judgment in claims arising from alleged breach of employment contract and misuse of company information. The defendant who had left to start a rival model agency was found to have breached the contract and the claimants were partially successful in obtaining further injunctive relief and damages.
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09/12/2012 10:15
Haq & Ors v The Audit Commission [2012] EWCA Civ 1621
Appeal against decision in the EAT that a restructuring exercise involving a department merger and pay protection of a senior grade had not resulted in indirect sex discrimination and was objectively justifiable. Appeal dismissed by a majority.
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09/12/2012 10:02
SPS Technologies Ltd v Chughtai UKEAT/0204/12/SM
Appeal against a finding that the claimant was unfairly dismissed. Appeal allowed and a finding of fair dismissal was substituted.
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09/12/2012 10:01
Leeks v St George's Healthcare NHS Trust UKEAT/0413/12/SM
Appeal against a decision that the respondent had fairly dismissed the claimant. Appeal dismissed.
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09/12/2012 10:00
Okoro & Anor v Taylor Woodrow Construction Ltd & Ors UKEAT/0318/10/ZT
Appeal against a decision that an alleged act of race discrimination was not a continuing act and so the claim was brought out of time. Appeal dismissed.
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09/12/2012 09:59
Miller & Ors v Interserve Industrial Services Ltd UKEAT/0244/12/SM
Appeal against a Tribunal decision dismissing the claimant’s claims that they had been blacklisted as a result of their union activity. Appeal dismissed.
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09/12/2012 09:58