Ford Motor Company Ltd v Elliott & Ors UKEAT/0327/14/MC
Appeal against a preliminary ruling that the ET had jurisdiction under section 108(1) of the Equality Act 2010 to hear claims that the failure by the respondent to pay the claimants lump sums which were paid to current employees at the time of a change from a Retail Prices Index ("RPI") to a Consumer Prices Index ("CPI") basis for calculating increases in their pension entitlement was an act of direct or indirect age discrimination. Appeal allowed and remitted to a different ET.
- cases
25/09/2015 09:42
Chief Constable of Northumbria Police v Erichsen UKEAT/0027/15/BA
Appeal and cross-appeal against the award for pension loss made to the successful claimant. Appeal allowed in part and cross-appeal also allowed.
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10/09/2015 09:38
Trustees of Swansea University Pension & Assurance Scheme & Anor v Williams UKEAT/0415/14/DM
Appeal against a ruling that the respondent had discriminated against the claimant by only paying him half the pension he would have been entitled to if he had been working full time at the time of his ill health retirement. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal for a complete re-hearing.
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22/07/2015 10:04
Remedy update: Pension loss in employment claims
Calculating pension loss in employment claims is changing
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29/06/2015 12:07
Essex County Council v Jarrett UKEAT/0087/15/MC
Appeal against a refusal to order the successful claimant to disclose pension entitlement from previous employments. Appeal allowed and an order for disclosure was made.
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22/06/2015 17:02
Hall v Durham County Council & Ors UKEAT/0256/14/MC
Appeal against the level of award made to the successful claimant and the claimant's cross-appeal against the grossing up calculation. Appeal allowed in part and cross-appeal allowed.
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08/06/2015 16:07
Barton v Secretary of State for Scotland & Ors UKEATS/0018/14/SM
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant's claim in respect of less favourable treatment under the Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2000 on the basis that the claimant failed to identify a valid comparator. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same Employment Tribunal for consideration of remedy.
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29/04/2015 10:07
Baillon v Gwent Police UKEAT/0354/14/BA
Appeal against the calculation of the claimant’s compensation and refusal to award him costs. Cross-appeal against the award for pension loss. Compensation appeal allowed, costs appeal and cross-appeal dismissed. Compensation issue remitted to the same Tribunal.
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20/04/2015 16:00
March 2015 CPD questions
12 questions relating to recent cases involving justification of discrimination
- resources
23/03/2015 15:04
McGrath v Ministry of Justice UKEAT/0247/14/LA
Appeal against the dismissal of an Employment Tribunal lay member's complaint that as a part-time judicial officer he was excluded from the judicial pension scheme by The Ministry of Justice. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
03/03/2015 12:08