CJ v PC [2024] EAT 182
Appeal against the remedy judgment after the Claimant was successful before the ET in claims for discrimination arising from disability and victimisation. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
02/01/2025 15:58
Clark & Anor v Chief Constable of Derbyshire Constabulary & Ors [2024] EWCA Civ 676
Appeal over whether an employment tribunal had jurisdiction to determine a complaint about a disablement gratuity where the claimants sought to argue the operation the Police (Injury Benefit) Regulations was discriminatory.
- cases
24/07/2024 10:48
Clayson v MOJ and Lord Chancellor [2024] EAT 99
Appeal against the reserved decision of the ET that the Respondents “did not treat the Claimants less favourably than comparable full-time workers on the ground that the Claimants were part-time workers”; and dismissing their claims. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
15/07/2024 13:46
Edward v Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust [2023] EAT 33
Appeal and cross-appeal against various aspects of the remedy judgment, especially in regard to failure to mitigate. Both appeal and cross-appeal allowed.
- cases
12/04/2023 12:42
Secretary of State for Work & Pensions v Beattie & Ors [2022] EAT 163
Appeal against a decision that the Claimants had suffered unlawful age discrimination upon the insolvency of their former employer after reductions were made to their occupational pension benefits as a result of the application of section 138 Pensions Act 2004 because they had not then reached normal pension age. Appeal allowed in part.
- cases
02/12/2022 11:40
Bathgate v Technip UK Ltd & Ors [2022] EAT 155
Appeal and cross-appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's claims of age discrimination after the Respondent decided not to pay him a pension payment because of his age. Appeal and cross-appeal allowed and the claim was dismissed.
- cases
28/11/2022 15:19
Gavli & Anor v LHR Airports Ltd (UNFAIR DISSMAL remedies - reinstatement, re-engagement) [2021] UKEAT 0012_21_1905
Appeal concerning remedy involving the ACAS uplift, reinstatement and pensions loss.
- cases
09/08/2021 15:28
Third Addendum to Presidential Guidance on Pension Loss 2021
The 4th edition of the guidance "Principles for Compensating Pension Loss" has been revised for a third time.
- news
19/03/2021 11:11
London Fire Commissioner and others v Sargeant and others UKEAT/0137/17/LA
Appeal against the ET’s decision that the Appellants did not have a defence under the Equality Act 2010 to the claims of age discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
03/03/2021 15:38
8th edition of the Ogden Tables released
The Government Actuary Department (GAD) have published the 8th edition of the Ogden tables. This is the first amendment since the 7th edition was published in 2011.
- news
20/07/2020 12:02