University of Sunderland v Drossou UKEAT/0341/16/RN
Appeal against the inclusion of employer pension contributions when determining the Claimant's weekly pay and against a failure to reduce the basic award for contributory fault. Appeal allowed on the basic award reduction only.
- cases
26/07/2017 16:25
Williams v Swansea University Pension & Assurance Scheme Swansea University [2017] EWCA Civ 1008
Appeal against the rejection of the Claimant's claim of disability discrimination after he received a reduced pension because of having worked part-time prior to retiring on ill-health grounds. Appeal dismissed.
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14/07/2017 14:57
O'Brien v Ministry of Justice [2017] UKSC 46
Appeal against a decision by the Court of Appeal, upholding a judgment by the EAT which said that the Claimant, who had won the right under the Council Directive 97/81/EC and national law to a pension on terms equivalent to a comparable full-time judge, could only count the period from the year 2000 when calculating the amount of his pension, and not from the date he started in 1978. The Supreme Court unanimously decided to refer a question to the CJEU.
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12/07/2017 14:12
Walker v Innospec Limited and others [2017] UKSC 47
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's claim of discrimination. Appeal allowed.
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12/07/2017 11:34
Harrod & Ors v Chief Constable of West Midlands Police & Ors [2017] EWCA Civ 191
Case concerning the compulsory retirement of police officers after they had served for 30 years "in the general interests of efficiency" pursuant to Regulation A19 (2) Police Pensions Regulations 1987. The Claimant police officers had won their claims of age discrimination at the ET but this was overturned by the EAT. The Claimants were given permission to appeal. Appeal dismissed.
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28/03/2017 10:14
Williams v Surrey Heath Borough Council [2017] EWCA Civ 23
Appeal against the dismissal of the Appellant's claim that her final salary had been incorrectly calculated for the purpose of determining her pension payments. Appeal dismissed.
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24/01/2017 15:30
McCloud & Ors and Mostyn & Ors v The Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice & MoJ (Case 2201483/2015; 2205075/2015)
Claim by 210 judges that changes to the Judicial Pension Scheme amounted to less favourable treatment because of their age and in some cases race and sex. The claim was upheld.
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18/01/2017 10:37
Shifferaw v Hudson Music Co Ltd UKEAT/0294/15/DA
Appeal against various aspects of the way in which the ET had calculated the Claimant's award after her successful claims of wrongful and unfair dismissal. Appeal allowed in part.
- cases
31/08/2016 10:46
Compensation for loss of pension rights: A consultation paper
The President of the Employment Tribunals has published a consultation paper which outlines proposals for the calculation of pension loss on termination of employment, now that the Purple Book has been withdrawn.
- news
30/03/2016 13:12
The Advocate General for Scotland v Barton [2015] CSIH 92
Appeal against an EAT judgment which ruled that the claimant, who worked part time, was entitled to a pension. Appeal allowed.
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22/12/2015 11:02