E.ON Control Solutions Ltd v Caspall UKEAT/0003/19/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s judgment permitting an amendment to the Claimant’s claim form, to alter the ACAS early conciliation (“EC”) number. Appeal allowed.
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29/07/2019 13:48
Christie v Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrisson LLP and others UKEAT/0137/19/BA
Appeal against the ET’s decision refusing the Claimant’s application to make a witness order. Appeal dismissed.
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26/07/2019 17:55
A and another v X and others (No 2) UKEAT/0113/18/JOJ
Application by the Third Respondent (Times Newspapers Ltd) to set aside a continuing Restricted Reporting Order (“RRO”) in the EAT. Application dismissed.
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25/07/2019 19:10
Canning v National Institute for Health and Care Excellence UKEAT/0241/18/DA
Appeal against the ET’s decision dismissing the Claimant’s claims of unfair dismissal and sex and age discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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24/07/2019 17:31
Tabidi v British Broadcasting Corporation UKEAT/0272/18/BA
Appeal against the ET’s decision dismissing the Claimant’s complaint of sex discrimination and awarding costs against him. Appeal dismissed.
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24/07/2019 15:35
Acetrip Ltd v Dogra UKEAT/0238/18/BA
Appeal by the Respondent against the ET’s Remedy Decision making a compensatory award to the Claimant. Appeal allowed.
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23/07/2019 13:25
Phoenix House Ltd v Stockman UKEAT/0284/17/OO & UKEAT/0058/18/OO
Appeal by the Respondent against the ET’s finding of public interest disclosure detriment and victimisation and its determination of remedy, and cross-appeal by the Claimant relating to reinstatement or re-engagement. Appeal and cross-appeal dismissed.
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22/07/2019 18:55
Elston v Robbie’s Photographic Ltd and another UKEAT/0282/18/RN
Appeal by the Claimant against the ET’s judgment (1) upholding the Claimant’s claim of wrongful and unfair dismissal, but reducing her damages in respect of the unfair dismissal claim by 80%, and (2) rejecting the Claimant’s claim of unlawful victimisation. Appeal allowed.
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19/07/2019 15:17
A Ltd v Z UKEAT/0273/18/BA
Appeal against the ET’s decision that the Claimant’s complaint of disability discrimination under s 15 Equality Act 2010 (“EqA 2010”) was well-founded. Appeal allowed.
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18/07/2019 23:23
Gosalakkal v University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust (Reconsideration) UKEAT/0223/18/DA
Appeal against the refusal by the Employment Judge (“EJ”) of the Claimant’s application for reconsideration of the ET’s judgment. Appeal allowed.
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17/07/2019 18:55