L v Q Ltd [2019] EWCA Civ 1417
Appeal against EAT’s decision to allow publication of an employment tribunal judgment on the register when the ET had decided it should remain private.
- cases
09/08/2019 18:18
Uwhubetine and another v NHS Commission Board England and others UKEAT/0264/18/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s decision that the Claimants had failed to comply with an earlier Unless Order and so their claims were struck out without any need for further Order. Appeal dismissed.
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08/08/2019 13:22
Mechkarov v Citibank NA UKEAT/0006/19/OO
Appeal against the ET’s rejection of the Claimant’s claims for direct race discrimination and victimisation. Appeal dismissed.
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07/08/2019 15:27
Park Chinois Ltd v Ozkara and others UKEAT/0224/18/DA, UKEAT/0225/18/DA & UKEAT/0017/19/DA
Appeals against the ET’s decisions on liability and remedies concerning the dismissal of the First and Second Claimants by the Respondent. Appeals dismissed.
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06/08/2019 20:56
The Harpur Trust v Brazel [2019] EWCA Civ 1402
Appeal against an EAT decision that calculated a part year worker's holiday entitlement as 5.6 weeks was dismissed.
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06/08/2019 16:14
Hinrichs and others v Oracle Corporation UK Ltd UKEAT/0194/18/RN
Appeal against the decision of the Central Arbitration Committee (“CAC”) rejecting the complaint that the Employer should not have taken action to dismiss employees before the European Works Council (“EWC”) had given an opinion on the proposed action. Appeal dismissed.
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05/08/2019 12:42
Okedina v Chikale [2019] EWCA Civ 1393
Appeal against the EAT’s decision confirming that the Appellant could not raise a defence of illegality in relation to the Claimant’s contractual claims. Appeal dismissed.
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02/08/2019 13:39
Department of Work and Pensions v Robinson UKEAT/0021/19/BA
Appeal against the ET’s decision allowing the Claimant’s claim under s 15 Equality Act 2010 (“EqA 2010”), and cross-appeal against the ET’s refusal of the Claimant’s claim under s 20 EqA 2010. Appeal allowed and cross-appeal dismissed.
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01/08/2019 11:38
Egbayelo v Ocado Central Services Ltd UKEAT/0028/19/LA
Appeal against the ET’s finding that the Claimant’s contract of employment incorporated changes to her pay and holiday entitlement that had been collectively agreed with the trade union. Appeal dismissed.
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31/07/2019 12:48
National Union of Professional Foster Carers (NUPFC) v Certification Officer UKEAT/0285/17/RN
Appeal against the Certification Officer’s decision rejecting the Appellant’s application to be entered on the list of trade unions maintained by the Certification Officer. Appeal dismissed.
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30/07/2019 12:32