Aleem v E-ACT Academy Trust Ltd [2021] UKEAT 0099_20_2807
Appeal concerning reasonable adjustment where the claimant could not continue to work as teacher due to her mental health but was offered a role as cover supervisor on lawyer rates of pay.
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09/08/2021 15:49
Gavli & Anor v LHR Airports Ltd (UNFAIR DISSMAL remedies - reinstatement, re-engagement) [2021] UKEAT 0012_21_1905
Appeal concerning remedy involving the ACAS uplift, reinstatement and pensions loss.
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09/08/2021 15:28
Tesco Stores Ltd v Rogberg UKEAT/0069/20/AT
Appeal by respondent against a decision by the ET to hear similar claims separately and not to have a single hearing for liability and remedy.
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09/08/2021 12:46
Kular v Atos IT Services UK Ltd (PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE) [2021] UKEAT 0101_20_2901
Appeal from the Tribunal’s decision to proceed with a costs hearing.
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06/08/2021 15:05
Stevenson v Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust [2021] UKEAT 000834_19_1407
Appeal by three HR managers against a decision that they had unreasonably refused an offer of suitable alternative employment following a restructuring and were therefore not entitled to redundancy payments.
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06/08/2021 10:30
Ihekwoaba v Aston Services Group Ltd (Sex Discrimination : Race Discrimination) [2021] UKEAT 0270/19/1103
Appeal against a failure by the ET to address a particular claim of harassment. Appeal allowed.
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29/07/2021 09:45
Keighley v Age UK Leeds (PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE) [2020] UKEAT 0229/19/0909
Appeal against a costs order made against the losing Claimant. Appeal allowed in part.
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29/07/2021 09:24
Brown v Veolia Es (UK) Ltd (Unfair dismissal) [2021] UKEAT 0041_20_0607
Appeal against the dismissal of a claim for unfair dismissal and against the percentage uplift awarded relating to the damages for wrongful dismissal. Appeal allowed on both issues.
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22/07/2021 16:33
Driscoll & Anor v V & P Global Ltd & Anor (HARASSMENT) [2021] UKEAT 000876_20_1507
Appeal against the striking out of a claim of constructive dismissal and against a refusal by the ET to allowed the Claimant to amend her claim. Appeal allowed.
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22/07/2021 16:27
Opalkova v Acquire Care Ltd (Unlawful Deduction From Wages - National Minimum Wage) [2021] UKEAT 0209_20_0605
Appeal against the rejection of claims of unlawful deductions. Appeal allowed in part.
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22/07/2021 16:20