Garratt v Mirror Group Newspapers Ltd [2011] EWCA Civ 425
Appeal against decision that the claimant was not entitled to an “enhanced redundancy payment” as he had not signed a compromise agreement. Appeal dismissed.
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15/04/2011 16:39
Brill v Interactive Business Communications Ltd UKEAT/0239/10/JOJ
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant was not entitled to commission payments earned before termination of his employment contract, after his dismissal. Appeal dismissed.
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15/04/2011 16:37
Molaudi v Ministry of Defence UKEAT/0463/10/JOJ
Appeal against a refusal by the ET to hear a complaint of race discrimination because the claimant, a member of the armed services, had not previously brought a valid ‘service complaint’ before the military authorities. Appeal dismissed.
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15/04/2011 16:35
Leira v Ministry of Justice UKEATPA/1245/10/DA
Appeal against a refusal to extend time for the claimant’s Notice of Appeal. Appeal dismissed.
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15/04/2011 16:34
Marland v Heartland (Midlands) Limited [2011] EWCA Civ 438
Appeal by respondent in breach of contract proceedings against finding that he was protected by TUPE in circumstances where he was transferred to a new employer during his notice period. Appeal dismissed.
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15/04/2011 16:32
The Governing Body of St Andrew's Catholic Primary School v Blundell [2011] EWCA Civ 427
Appeal against level of compensation in unfair dismissal and victimisation claims, partly on the basis of a request to submit new evidence. Appeal on that ground only allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal for consideration.
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15/04/2011 16:29
Pybus v Geoquip Ltd UKEAT/0093/10/SM
Appeal against a remedy judgment which was made after a successful claim of unfair dismissal. Appeal allowed in part.
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15/04/2011 16:27
McWilliam & Ors v Glasgow City Council UKEATS/0036/10/BI
Appeal against a ruling that the Employment Tribunal had no jurisdiction to consider equal pay claims which had been previously settled by compromise agreements. Appeal dismissed.
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15/04/2011 16:24
Breakell v West Midland Reserve Forces' & Cadets' Association Named As Shropshire Army Cadet Force UKEAT/0372/10/RN
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant was not a worker but a volunteer and so could not bring a claim of disability discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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15/04/2011 16:23
Holt v EB Security Services UKEAT/0603/10/CEA
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claim of unfair dismissal because he did not have the requisite one year’s service. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same Employment Judge.
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15/04/2011 16:22