C.F. Capital PLC v Willoughby [2011] EWCA Civ 1115
Appeal against a decision in the EAT that overturned the ET in finding that the claimant had been dismissed and had not, as the ET found, resigned. Appeal dismissed.
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14/10/2011 17:15
The Governing Body of Beechview School & Anor v Griffin UKEAT/0162/11/ZT; UKEAT/0163/11/ZT
Appeal by the respondent against the 65% contributory fault applied to the claimant’s compensation following a successful claim of unfair dismissal, and the failure by the ET to consider a Polkey deduction. Appeal by the claimant against the contributory fault percentage. Respondent’s appeal succeeded in part, the claimant’s appeal was dismissed.
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14/10/2011 17:04
The Hospital Medical Group Ltd v Westwood UKEAT/0232/11/LA
Appeal by the respondent against a ruling that the claimant was a worker, and thus his claims of unlawful deductions, accrued holiday pay and age discrimination could be heard at the ET. Appeal dismissed.
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14/10/2011 16:56
Smith & Ors v Trustees of Brooklands College UKEAT/0128/11/ZT
Appeal against a decision that the variation of the claimants’ contract following a TUPE transfer was not for a reason connected with the transfer. Appeal dismissed.
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13/10/2011 18:07
Payment Shield Group Holdings Ltd v Halstead UKEAT/0470/11/DM
Appeal against the refusal by two employment judges not to order a stay on ET proceedings during the time in which there was an outstanding letter before action and draft particulars of claim in the High Court. Appeal allowed and the stay was restored.
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13/10/2011 17:49
Ram v J D Wetherspoon PLC UKEAT/0080/11/ZT
Appeal against the level of compensation awarded to the claimant following his successful claim of unfair dismissal. Appeal allowed and remitted to the Tribunal for a further assessment of the compensation award.
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07/10/2011 14:25
Readman v Devon Primary Care Trust UKEAT/0116/11/ZT
Application by the respondent for permission to amend the Notice of Appeal to be set aside. Application refused.
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07/10/2011 14:21
Cartlidge Morland (A Firm) v Thomas [2011] EWHC 2086 (QB)
Judgment concerning scope and enforceability of restrictive covenants where the claimant was seeking to prevent a former employee from dealing with clients he had originally brought to the firm.
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07/10/2011 14:17
Cordell v Foreign & Commonwealth Office UKEAT/0016/11/SM
Appeal against the dismissal of a disability discrimination claim. Appeal dismissed.
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07/10/2011 13:40
Jackson v Liverpool [2011] EWCA Civ 1068
Appeal against decision that the employer was liable for damages as a result of a reference. Appeal allowed.
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29/09/2011 21:45