health and safety
Hamilton v Solomon And Wu Ltd UKEAT/0126/18/RN
Appeal against the ET’s finding that the Claimant was not unfairly dismissed contrary to s 100(1)(d) Employment Rights Act 1996. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
24/01/2019 10:28
Rowe v London Underground Ltd UKEAT/0125/16/JOJ
Appeal against the failure by the ET to award the Claimant compensation after his successful claim that the Respondent had breached Regulation 4(2)(a) of the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977. Appeal dismissed
- cases
18/10/2016 10:32
NHS employees get updated guidance on whistleblowing
Updated Handbook to the NHS Constitution sets out NHS employee rights, responsibilities and duty of candour.
- news
27/07/2015 13:20
Howlett v Royal Mail Group Ltd UKEAT/0368/13/DA
Case involving overtime pay for Sunday working when the claimant's role changed from that of engineer to health and safety officer. The question was whether the claimant working in the new role, which was Monday to Friday only, should be paid the same as before. On a proper construction of the Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations 1977 he was only entitled to be paid for time he was given off, which on the Employment Tribunal's findings was the normal working week days. It remained open to him to work on a Sunday as an engineer and receive the overtime payment for that work.
- cases
23/06/2014 20:52
HCL Safety Ltd v Flaherty UKEATS/0021/13/BI
Appeal against a finding that although dismissal was an appropriate response, the respondent had failed to establish overall that its decision to dismiss was fair. Appeal allowed and a finding that the dismissal was fair was substituted.
- cases
03/01/2014 17:07
Allma Construction Ltd v Laing UKEATS/0041/11/BI
Appeal against a finding of only a 5% contribution to the claimant’s unfair dismissal. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
- cases
17/02/2012 11:39
Oudahar v Esporta Group Ltd UKEAT/0566/10/DA
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant had not been unfairly dismissed pursuant to s100(1)(e) of the Employment Rights Act 1996. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal.
- cases
24/06/2011 18:49
Ross v Eddie Stobart Ltd UKEAT/0085/10/CEA
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant had not been dismissed for health and safety, whistleblowing or working time reasons. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal for a re-hearing.
- cases
19/05/2011 16:45
Age Concern Newcastle Upon Tyne v Brady UKEAT 0187/09/JOJ
Appeal against finding that discrimination had occurred on the grounds that the finding had not been based on a claim advanced by the claimant. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
26/01/2010 09:14