Plymouth City Council v White UKEAT/0333/13/LA
Appeal against an order for disclosure of documents in advance of a hearing to decide whether or not the claimant was unfairly dismissed. Appeal allowed and remitted to a different judge.
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11/10/2013 16:08
Pinnock v Birmingham City Council & Anor UKEAT/0185/13/MC
Appeal against refusal of the ET to allow disclosure of documents and against an order for costs against the claimant. Appeal allowed in respect of one issue of disclosure and in respect of the Tribunal’s approach to the question of ability to pay.
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16/08/2013 17:34
Governing Body of St Andrew's Catholic Primary School & Ors v Blundell UKEAT/0259/12/RN
Appeal against the rejection of the respondent’s application for costs in a case where they claimed that the claimant had deliberately withheld information causing the remedy decision to be revisited.
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09/08/2013 15:04
Cheema & Singh T/A JS Carpets v Kumar UKEATPA/0250/12/LA
Applications for an adjournment and disclosure and a rule 3 application against a review judgment which left the original judgment unaltered. Applications dismissed.
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18/06/2013 20:30
Baraheni v Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust UKEAT/0137/11/ZT
Appeal against a refusal by the ET to order the respondent to disclose a large number of documents in electronic format. Appeal dismissed.
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28/08/2011 12:08
Aryeetey v Tuntum Housing Association [2010] EWCA Civ 1088
Application to re-open the refusal to grant permission to appeal various orders in a case concerning unfair dismissal and a protected act. Application refused.
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12/10/2010 15:41
Wells v St Edward's RC Primary School [2010] EWCA Civ 884
Renewed application to appeal against a decision not to review the ET's decision which ruled that the claimant had not been unfairly dismissed. The Court of Appeal concluded that the application was totally without merit and dismissed the appeal.
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02/08/2010 11:41
Scotthorne v Four Seasons Conservatories (UK) Ltd UKEAT/0178/10/ZT
Appeal by claimant, who had been dismissed for gross misconduct, against the refusal of the Tribunal to order disclosure of documents which could support the claimant’s argument that the respondent was trying to find ways to remove him. Appeal dismissed.
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23/06/2010 18:33