disability discrimination
Scottish Opera Ltd v Winning UKEATS/0047/09/BI
Appeal by employer against decision that the claimant should be allowed to amend his claim from a pleading of unfair dismissal to failure to make reasonable adjustments under the DDA 1995, in circumstances where the claimant had suffered a seizure that prevented him from carrying out his driving duties. The employer had argued that the claim was debarred as the claimant had not lodged a corresponding grievance but the EAT upheld the Tribunal decision that the grievance procedure did not apply.
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28/07/2010 10:18
Wigginton v Cowie & Ors (T/A Baxter International (A Partnership)) UKEAT/0322/09/JOJ
Appeal against Tribunal's ruling that the claimant was not disabled within the meaning of s1 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The claimant also claimed that he had not had a fair hearing. Appeal allowed on the disability issue and remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
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19/07/2010 12:35
Yorkshire Housing Ltd v Cuerden UKEAT/0397/09/SM
Appeal by the respondent against a ruling by the Employment Tribunal that the claimant had been discriminated against by reason of her disability. Further grounds of appeal included questions of pension loss and taxation. Appeal allowed on the taxation issue in as far as the grossing up of the award was concerned.
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19/07/2010 12:12
Riley v Royal Bank of Scotland Plc UKEAT/0509/09/LA
Appeal against Tribunal's ruling that the respondent had not breached its duty to provide reasonable adjustments under the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. The EAT found that the Employment Tribunal had considered all the relevant issues and concluded that the Respondent had devised and implemented a reasonable adjustment in its rehabilitation programme. Appeal dismissed.
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30/06/2010 17:26
Aitken v The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis UKEAT/0226/09/ZT
Appeals in disability discrimination claims against ET's rejection of claimant's contention that the reason for his treatment by the respondent was a perception that he had a dangerous mental illness, and so should fall within the DDA, and where the EAT considered whether the claimant's bad behaviour was part of his disability. Appeals dismissed.
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23/06/2010 18:24
J v DLA Piper UK LLP UKEAT/0263/09/RN
Appeal against finding that the claimant was not suffering clinical depression within the meaning of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 in circumstances where a job offer had been withdrawn following disclosure of her history of depression. Appeal allowed and remitted to Tribunal.
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17/06/2010 18:22
C v M Ltd [2010] EWCA Civ 620
Renewed application for permission to appeal arising from ET's dismissal of sex and disability discrimination cliams. Application refused.
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14/06/2010 11:34
Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police v Jelic UKEAT/0491/09/CEA
Appeal against decision that the claimant had been the victim of unlawful disability discrimination by reason of the Chief Constable’s failure to comply with the duty to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate him. Appeal allowed in part on the basis of an inadequately reasoned decision on the issue of medical retirement. However, the Tribunal’s ruling that there had been disability discrimination stood.
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25/05/2010 09:39
London Borough of Redbridge v Baynes UKEAT/0293/09/LA
Appeal by council against determinations in a pre-hearing review that the claimant was disabled and that time limits for her claim should be extended. The appeal was allowed and the claim dismissed.
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24/05/2010 12:40
Thind v Salvesen Logistics Ltd UKEAT/0487/09/DA
Appeal against the refusal of the judge to review the striking out of a claim for disability discrimination, which occurred as a result of a failure to comply with an unless order. Appeal succeeded and the strike out revoked.
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25/03/2010 16:15