disability discrimination
Dosanjh v Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust UKEAT/0517/12/GE
Appeal against a refusal to allow the claimant to amend her claim of unfair dismissal to add in claims of race and disability discrimination. Appeal allowed and application to amend was remitted for reconsideration by a differently constituted Tribunal.
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11/09/2013 11:08
Newham Sixth Form College v Sanders UKEAT/0610/12/SM
Appeal against a finding that the respondent had failed to make reasonable adjustments for the claimant’s disability. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal. Remedy judgment also set aside.
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03/09/2013 11:08
Brito-Babapulle v Ealing Hospital NHS Trust UKEAT/0358/12/BA
Appeal against findings of unfair dismissal where the ET had concluded that once gross misconduct is found then dismissal always falls within the range of reasonable responses. Appeal allowed in part and remitted to the ET.
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19/08/2013 11:46
The Commissioners for HMRC v Whiteley UKEAT/0581/12/MC
Appeal against a finding by the ET ruling that the employee was subjected to a detriment because of the employer's failure to take such steps as were reasonable to avoid the disadvantage caused to her by her disability. Appeal allowed.
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08/08/2013 12:29
Costco Wholesale UK v Newfield UKEAT/0617/12/KN
Appeal against a finding that the respondent had failed to make reasonable adjustments and against an award of 4 weeks pay for the failure to provide the claimant with a contract of employment. Appeal allowed in part.
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08/08/2013 12:27
Fox v British Airways Plc [2013] EWCA Civ 972
Appeal against a decision by the EAT, which upheld the argument of the father of an ex-employee of the respondent, who had been dismissed through medical incapacity and then died a few weeks later, that if unfair dismissal and/or disability discrimination were proved, his son’s estate would be entitled to a death in service benefit. Appeal dismissed.
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02/08/2013 10:33
Taiwo v Department for Education UKEATPA/1802/11/RN
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claims of disability and sex discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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02/08/2013 10:13
Sud v London Borough of Ealing [2013] EWCA Civ 949
Appeal against a decision by the EAT ruling that the ET had not erred in failing to take account of the deduced effect of the appellant’s illness and that a costs order made against her should stand. Appeal dismissed.
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02/08/2013 09:54
Matinpour v Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council UKEAT/0537/12/RN
Appeal against a second ET’s finding that the claimant had not been subject to disability discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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18/07/2013 21:23
Bozeat-Manzi v Telefonica UK Ltd UKEAT/0389/12/LA
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claims of unfair dismissal and disability discrimination on the basis that they were brought 1 day out of time. Appeal on the discrimination issue allowed, appeal on the unfair dismissal issue dismissed.
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08/07/2013 09:36