disability discrimination
R v W UKEAT/0198/15/JOJ
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant’s claims of disability discrimination by reason of failure to make reasonable adjustments, discrimination arising from disability, harassment, victimisation and unfair dismissal. Appeal dismissed.
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30/03/2016 10:10
Brighton v Tesco Stores Ltd UKEAT/0165/15/DM
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant's claim of unfair dismissal due to his disability. Appeal allowed and remitted to a different Tribunal.
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30/03/2016 09:50
Greenslade v Next Distribution Ltd UKEAT/0156/15/DA
Although the Tribunal had found for her in parts of her disability discrimination claims, the Claimant appealed against the Tribunal’s failure to address and determine other parts of those claims. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal for reconsideration.
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22/03/2016 14:46
London Underground Ltd v O'Sullivan UKEAT/0152/15/DA
Respondent’s appeal against a Tribunal’s judgment on remedy, which awarded compensation to the Claimant (on behalf of the estate of her late husband) calculated on the basis that there was an 80% chance of the deceased still being employed by the Respondent at the time of his death. Appeal dismissed.
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20/03/2016 20:32
Private Medicine Intermediaries v Hodkinson & Ors UKEAT/0134/15/LA
Appeal against findings that the Respondent had constructively and unfairly dismissed the Claimant; that it had discriminated against her by subjecting her to unfavourable treatment because of something arising in consequence of disability; and that it had subjected her to disability-related harassment. Appeal allowed in part.
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20/03/2016 19:32
Ndebele v Kasterlee UK Ltd & Others UKEAT/0307/15/DM
Appeal as to whether the Tribunal had erred in law by failing to consider whether the Claimant had declined to return to work as a consequence of an unlawful act which demanded compensation. Appeal allowed and case remitted to a fresh Tribunal to determine remedy.
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10/03/2016 21:48
Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Local Health Board v Morgan UKEAT/0320/15/DM
Appeal against a finding that the Respondent had harassed the Claimant and had failed to make reasonable adjustments by redeploying her to another role. Appeal dismissed and case remitted to the same Tribunal to determine remedy.
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10/03/2016 21:13
Gallop v Newport City Council UKEAT/0118/15/DM
Appeal against the Tribunal’s dismissal of the Claimant’s complaints of direct disability discrimination and reasonable adjustment disability discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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07/03/2016 22:08
Chief Constable of Sussex Police v Millard UKEAT/0341/14/DA
Appeal against a finding that the Claimant was at all material times disabled for the purposes of the Equality Act 2010. Appeal allowed. The Tribunal’s decision was set aside and substituted by terms agreed under a Consent Order.
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23/02/2016 21:18
Brangwyn v South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust UKEAT/0125/15/LA
Claimant’s appeal in relation to the Respondent’s alleged failure to make reasonable adjustments in light of the Claimant’s disability. Appeal dismissed.
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14/02/2016 21:45