constructive dismissal
Chindove v Morrison Supermarkets Plc UKEAT/0076/17/JOJ
Appeal against a finding that the Claimant had affirmed his contract of employment in circumstances in which he was on sick leave, submitting sick notes and receiving sickness pay, and resigned six weeks after the date of the repudiatory breach. Appeal allowed and remitted to a fresh Tribunal.
- cases
05/12/2017 09:41
Unfair dismissal - Case Round-Up: August 2017
In this month's round-up, Mark Shulman, consultant solicitor with Keystone Law, looks at recent cases on qualifying service, adding a new unfair dismissal claim, a week’s pay for compensation purposes and the implication of a contractual term by custom and practice.
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14/08/2017 12:01
BMC Software Ltd v Shaikh UKEAT/0092/16/DM
Appeal against a finding of discrimination by constructive dismissal under the Equality Act 2010. Appeal allowed.
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11/08/2017 12:01
Ghiglieri v Systech Group Employee Ltd UKEAT/0310/16/BA
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's claim of unfair constructive dismissal. Appeal allowed and remitted to the ET.
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18/07/2017 11:38
Asghar & Co Solicitors v Habib UKEAT/0332/16/DM
Appeal against a finding of unfair constructive dismissal. Appeal allowed.
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17/07/2017 16:40
McLoughlin v London Linen Supply Ltd UKEAT/0299/16/BA
Appeal against the rejection of the Claimant's claims of unfair constructive dismissal and age discrimination. Appeal allowed and remitted to a different Tribunal.
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31/05/2017 10:44
Barnett v Acorn Care and Education Ltd & Anor UKEAT/0009/17/DM
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's claims of constructive dismissal and of suffering detriments as a result of making protected disclosures. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
05/05/2017 10:13
Ogilvie Construction Ltd v Brown UKEATS/0003/16/JW
Appeal against a finding that the Claimant had resigned meaning that he could claim constructive unfair dismissal, which he did and won. Appeal dismissed.
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28/04/2017 13:15
Sharfudeen v TJ Morris Ltd T/A Home Bargains UKEAT/0272/16/LA
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's claims of constructive dismissal, race discrimination and unlawful deductions from wages. Appeal dismissed.
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20/04/2017 10:11
Staph v Norgren European Logistics Company Ltd UKEAT/0211/16/BA
Appeal against the Claimant's claims of direct race discrimination and harassment, and that these discriminatory acts had amounted to an unlawfully discriminatory constructive dismissal. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
21/03/2017 13:23