Kikwera-Akaka v Salvation Army Trading Co Ltd [2024] EAT 49

Appeal against a finding that the Claimant had been fairly dismissed for capability and performance. Appeal dismissed,

The Claimant worked for the Respondent in one of its charity shops. Many of the staff who work in those shops are volunteers and some have additional vulnerabilities. An incident occurred between the Claimant and a vulnerable volunteer, as a result of which the Claimant received a final written warning. That stated that further misconduct may result in dismissal. In addition, he was placed on a personal improvement plan (PIP). The Tribunal found that this was specifically linked to the incident with the volunteer: one aspect of his performance which the Respondent made clear needed to improve through that PIP was his interaction with volunteers. The Claimant did not consider that there was anything which he needed to address in that regard. The PIP ended a few days earlier than planned. The Claimant was invited to a performance capability meeting to discuss the PIP. He was expressly warned that dismissal may result. The Claimant’s position regarding his interaction with volunteers did not change: he rejected the suggestion that he needed to improve or that he required further training. He was dismissed. His appeal against dismissal, in which he maintained his previous stance, was unsuccessful and he made a claim to the ET. On the facts the ET concluded that the Claimant had been given a fair opportunity to improve his performance: his interaction with volunteers was a significant and important part of his performance, and was also linked to the misconduct which led to the final written warning. The Claimant appealed.

The EAT dismissed the appeal. The ET did not err in its approach or in its application of relevant legal principles. Observations were made upon the differences, and similarities, in a fair approach when an employer considers dismissal for capability compared to misconduct.

Published: 30/09/2024 15:03

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