Wray v Jewish Care UKEAT/0193/18/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s decision that the Claimant’s claims for unfair dismissal and breach of contract against the Respondent had been presented out of time. Appeal dismissed.
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24/04/2019 19:14
Arjomand-Sissan v East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust UKEAT/0122/17/BA
Appeal against the ET’s rejection of the Claimant’s complaints of race discrimination, unfair dismissal and whistleblowing. Appeal dismissed.
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23/04/2019 15:40
Frudd and another v The Partington Group Ltd UKEAT/0240/18/OO
Appeal against the ET’s decision regarding the Claimants’ complaints that they had not been paid the national minimum wage. Appeal allowed in part.
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23/04/2019 10:13
Akhigbe v Berkeley Homes (Urban Renaissance) Ltd UKEAT/0005/18/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s decision striking out the Claimant’s claim that the Respondent had persistently refused to disclose personal data under s 7 Data Protection Act 1998 (“DPA 1998”). Appeal dismissed.
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18/04/2019 15:46
Govdata Ltd v Denton UKEAT/0237/18/BA
Appeal against the ET’s decision to increase an award to the Claimant by virtue of s 38 Employment Act 2002 (“2002 Act”). Appeal allowed.
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17/04/2019 16:41
Bluestones Medical Recruitment Ltd v Swinnerton UKEAT/0197/18/BA
Appeal against the ET’s decision upholding the Claimant’s unauthorised deductions claim in respect of unpaid commissions or bonus. Appeal allowed.
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17/04/2019 10:54
Morton v Eastleigh Citizens Advice Bureau UKEAT/0208/18/BA
Appeal against the ET’s decision not to adjourn a Preliminary Hearing on the issue of deciding the Claimant’s disability. Appeal dismissed.
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16/04/2019 13:11
Kouchalieva v London Borough of Tower Hamlets UKEAT/0188/18/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s decision rejecting the Claimant’s complaints of unfair dismissal and disability discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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15/04/2019 15:32
North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust v Rice UKEAT/0152/18/BA
Appeal against the ET’s decision upholding the Claimant’s claim that a grievance that he had lodged was rejected for the “sole or main purpose” of penalising him for his trade union activities contrary to s 146(1)(b) Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992. Appeal allowed.
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12/04/2019 17:49
Ravisy v Simmons & Simmons LLP and another UKEAT/0085/18/OO
Appeal against the ET’s decision that it had “international jurisdiction” to consider the complaints against the Respondents, but that the complaints against both Respondents fell outside the ET’s territorial jurisdiction. Appeal dismissed.
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12/04/2019 12:08