K v L (Unfair Dismissal) UKEATS/0014/18/JW
Appeal against the ET’s rejection of the Claimant’s claim of unfair dismissal. Appeal allowed in part.
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22/09/2020 18:01
Glasgow City Council v Johnstone and another UKEATS/0011/18/JW
Appeal against the ET’s finding that the relationship between the Claimants and the Council was contractual in nature. Appeal dismissed.
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21/09/2020 14:08
Evans (HM Inspector of Health and Safety) v Petrofac Facilities Management Ltd UKEATS/0044/19/SS & UKEATS/0045/19/SS
Appeal against the ET’s extension of a time limit for appealing a prohibition notice, and cross-appeal against the ET’s decision that the appeal was out of time. Appeal allowed and cross-appeal refused.
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09/09/2020 12:36
Aramark (UK) Ltd v Fernandes UKEATS/0028/19/SS
Appeal against the ET’s finding that the Claimant had been unfairly dismissed. Appeal allowed.
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08/09/2020 16:46
Kelly v PGA European Tour UKEAT/0285/18/DA & UKEAT/0338/19/DA
Appeal by the Respondent against the ET’s decision ordering re-engagement of the Claimant, and by the Claimant against the ET’s refusal to reconsider its remedy decision. Respondent’s appeal allowed, and Claimant’s appeal dismissed.
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04/09/2020 19:19
Hall v London Lions Basketball Club (UK) Ltd UKEAT/0273/19/OO
Appeal against the ET’s quantification of the Claimant’s damages for wrongful dismissal and entitlement to holiday pay. Appeal allowed.
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01/09/2020 11:44
Aftala Norfolk Ltd (t/a Papa John’s Pizza) and another v Read UKEAT/0233/18/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s finding that the First and Second Respondents were jointly and severally liable for awards relating to the Claimant’s unfair dismissal, and that there was no conflict of interest arising from the parties’ legal representation. Appeal allowed in part.
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28/08/2020 19:53
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service v Woods [2020] EWHC 2228 (QB)
Application by the Claimant for an order permitting disclosure of information in ET proceedings. Application granted.
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24/08/2020 17:31
Walker v Co-Operative Group Ltd and another [2020] EWCA Civ 1075
Appeal against the EAT’s decision allowing the Respondents’ appeal on equal pay, and dismissing the Appellant’s cross-appeal on direct sex discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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20/08/2020 16:10
Gallacher v Abellio Scotrail Ltd UKEATS/0027/19/SS
Appeal against the ET’s decision that the Claimant’s dismissal without following any procedure was not unfair or discriminatory. Appeal dismissed.
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18/08/2020 16:29