Seawell Ltd v Ceva Freight (UK) Ltd & Anor UKEATS/0034/11/BI
Appeal against a decision that the claimant’s employment had transferred to the first respondent under TUPE. Appeal allowed.
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17/05/2012 18:24
Baker v Tote Bookmakers Ltd UKEAT/0538/11/ZT
Appeal against a costs order that was made against the claimant. Appeal dismissed.
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17/05/2012 13:41
Hounga v Allen & Anor [2012] EWCA Civ 609
Appeal and cross-appeal in a case where claims for non-dismissal discrimination were struck out, as the underlying contract was illegal, but claims for dismissal discrimination were allowed. Both appeals were allowed but with the effect that the claims were dismissed.
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17/05/2012 13:23
Kent County Council v Knowles UKEAT/0547/11/MAA
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant, who had been arrested and charged with a serious offence of fraud, and was subsequently suspended from work, was entitled to be paid during the period of suspension. Appeal dismissed.
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14/05/2012 09:25
Parekh v London Borough of Brent UKEAT/0097/11/MAA
Appeal against a decision that the claimant’s ET1 did not include a claim for automatic unfair dismissal, that the claimant should not be permitted to amend it and the EJ’s decision to treat the reason for dismissal as being a reason relating to capacity. Appeal dismissed.
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14/05/2012 09:24
Turning Point (Scotland) v Perry & Anor UKEATS/0049/11/BI
Appeal against the refusal of an application for an order for expenses against the claimants after they withdrew their claims under the NMW. Appeal allowed.
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14/05/2012 09:22
Prior v City Plumbing Supplies Ltd UKEAT/0535/11/CEA
Appeal against the Tribunal’s findings as to contributory fault and the rejection of the remedy of reinstatement or re-engagement, following a successful claim of unfair dismissal. Contributory fault appeal rejected, reinstatement appeal allowed and remitted for re-consideration and reasons.
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13/05/2012 22:18
Bates van Winkelhof v Clyde & Co & Anor UKEAT/0568/11/RN
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant was not a limb (b) worker under s230(3) of the ERA 1996. Cross appeals against the ruling that the claimant’s whistleblowing and sex discrimination claims were justiciable in the Tribunal and against a disclosure order made in favour of the claimant.
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13/05/2012 22:13
Attrill & Ors: Anar & Ors v Dresdner Kleinwort Limited & Anor [2012] EWHC 1189 (QB)
Judgment arising from claims of breach of contract and inducement to breach contracts where the claimants were seeking bonus payments allegedly promised by the respondents. The claimants were successful.
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13/05/2012 12:54
City of Edinburgh Council v Lauder & Ors UKEATS/0048/11/BI
Appeal against a ruling that the claimants, who were Sheltered Housing Residential Wardens, were engaged on salaried work during the time they were sleeping at night on the premises, and thus they were entitled to the NMW for the entirety of the ‘on call’ hours. Appeal allowed.
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13/05/2012 12:29