Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust v Singh UKEAT/0038/12/SM
Appeal against a finding that the claimant was entitled to a redundancy payment following the conclusion of her fixed term contract. Appeal dismissed.
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29/06/2012 17:34
ANGED v FASGA & Ors Case C-78/11
Judgment arising from a reference for a preliminary ruling concerning sick leave when the illness coincides with holiday leave. The Chamber ruled that the Directive must be interpreted as precluding any national provisions that mean that the worker is not entitled to that paid holiday leave where that coincides with a period of unfitness to work.
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25/06/2012 08:57
Weeks v Newham College of Further Education UKEAT/0630/11/ZT
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant’s claims of sexual harassment and detriment for having made a public interest disclosure. Appeal dismissed.
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24/06/2012 10:09
Freedman v Career Energy Consultancy Services Ltd UKEAT/0519/11/MAA
Appeal against a ruling that the Tribunal could not hear the claimant’s claims of unfair dismissal and holiday pay because he was not an employee of the respondent at the relevant time. Appeal allowed and remitted to a different Tribunal.
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24/06/2012 10:05
Croker v Surrey County Council UKEATPA/0358/11/JOJ
Appeal against the rejection of a claim on the basis that it was out of time. Appeal dismissed.
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24/06/2012 10:01
Taurus Group Ltd v Crofts & Anor UKEAT/0024/12/CEA
Appeal against a ruling that the employment of the claimant had transferred to the appellant under TUPE. Appeal allowed and the original employer was restored to the claim.
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24/06/2012 09:58
Prospects for People with Learning Difficulties v Harris UKEAT/0612/11/DMUKEAT/0612/11/DM
Appeal against findings of unfair dismissal and harassment. Appeal dismissed.
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24/06/2012 09:50
Simpson v Intralinks UKEAT/0593/11/RN
Appeal against a refusal by the ET to review their earlier ruling that they did not have jurisdiction to hear the claimant’s claims of sex discrimination and equal pay. Appeal allowed.
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17/06/2012 16:49
British Telecommunications PLC v Daniels UKEAT/0554/11/MAA
Appeal against s ruling that the claimant had been unfairly dismissed, despite the respondent having applied the 3 stage Burchell test. Appeal dismissed.
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17/06/2012 16:36
Croad v University and College Union UKEAT/0012/11/CEA
Appeal against a ruling that the claimant’s union had not discriminated her when they withdrew their representational and legal support. Cross-appeal against the ruling that the claimant had suffered detriment as a result of the withdrawal of legal assistance. Appeal dismissed and cross-appeal allowed.
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17/06/2012 16:25