Powell v OMV Exploration & Production Ltd UKEAT/0131/13/DM
Appeal against dismissal of claims upon the basis that the claimant had no entitlement to bring them in the Employment Tribunals in England, Wales or Scotland. Appeal dismissed.
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30/09/2013 14:11
Nabbumba v Merton Priory Homes UKEAT/0112/13/MC
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had not been unfairly dismissed. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal.
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30/09/2013 14:02
Graham v London University College Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust & Ors UKEAT/0130/13/LA
Appeal against the rejection of the claimant’s claim of race discrimination, and against a costs order made against the claimant. Appeal in relation to the race discrimination claim was dismissed but the costs appeal was allowed and the costs order set aside.
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30/09/2013 13:58
Drew v Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust UKEAT/0378/12/SM
Appeal against the dismissal of the claimant's claims of discrimination on account of his religion and/or beliefs. Appeal dismissed.
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23/09/2013 11:09
Little v Richmond Pharmacology Ltd UKEAT/0490/12/LA
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had not suffered indirect sex discrimination after she was refused part time working after her maternity leave, a decision that was then reversed on appeal.
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23/09/2013 09:56
Amey v Peter Symonds College [2013] EWHC 2788 (QB)
Declaration sought regarding the method of calculation that should be used when deciding on payment to be deducted while the employee was on strike.
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19/09/2013 10:58
Takavarasha v London Borough of Newham & Ors UKEAT/0077/12/MC
Appeal against the rejection of the claimant's claims, which included race discrimination, and a costs order made against the claimant. Appeal dismissed.
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19/09/2013 10:33
Dozie v Addison Lee Plc UKEAT/0328/13/BA; UKEAT/0329/13/BA; UKEAT/0388/13/BA
Appeal against the refusal by the ET to adjourn a hearing. The EAT also had to decide whether to allow appeals to go ahead after both parties consented. Appeal against the refused adjournment and appeals allowed.
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19/09/2013 10:23
Osoba v The Chief Constable of the Hertfordshire Constabulary UKEAT/0055/13/BA
Appeal against the rejection of the claimant’s claim of age discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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19/09/2013 10:10
Thajudeen v Deeside (Guernsey) Ltd & Anor UKEATS/0049/12/BI
Appeal against a review judgment which held that the claimant was not employed by the second respondent and so could not pursue his claim of unfair dismissal against them. Appeal allowed and remitted to the Tribunal.
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16/09/2013 10:25