Mari v Reuters Ltd UKEAT/0539/13/MC
Appeal against a finding that the claimant was not constructively unfairly dismissed. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
02/02/2015 10:18
Autism Sussex Ltd v Angel UKEAT/0205/13/SM
Appeal against findings of unfair and wrongful dismissal. The wrongful dismissal was allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal for reconsideration and full reasons.
- cases
02/06/2014 09:51
Arnold Clark Automobiles Limited v Mak UKEATS/0052/13/BI
Appeal against a finding that the claimant had been unfairly dismissed on the grounds of redundancy. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same Tribunal.
- cases
28/04/2014 09:41
Bangura v Southern Cross Healthcare Group PLC & Anor UKEAT/0432/12/RN
Appeal against a decision that the transferee organisation should not be joined as a second respondent to the claimant’s claims of unfair dismissal and race discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
16/05/2013 16:18