time limits
November 2018 Online Update Course
This month's 12 questions relate to Mark Shulman's August 2018 article on unfair dismissal
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28/11/2018 16:47
Barnard v Hampshire Fire & Rescue UKEAT/00179/18/LA
Appeal against a judgment in which it was held that the Claimant's stable working relationship ended when she changed roles within the same organisation. Appeal allowed and remitted to a different ET.
- cases
28/11/2018 11:39
Rana v London Borough of Ealing & Anor; Bonnie v DWP [2018] EWCA Civ 2074
Appeal against the refusal to extend time to appeal against an ET decision. Appeal allowed.
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22/10/2018 16:17
Thompson v Ark Schools UKEAT/0244/17/DM
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's claims of unfair dismissal and pregnancy and maternity discrimination as out of time, the ET (relevantly) declining to extend time on a just and equitable basis. Appeal allowed and remitted to a different ET.
- cases
22/10/2018 15:38
All in the timing - Case Round-Up: October 2018
In this month's case round-up, Mark Shulman, consultant solicitor with Keystone Law, looks at recent cases on time limits in presenting and amending unfair dismissal claims, as well as whether a Respondent who failed to lodge an ET3 in time could participate in a remedy hearing.
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07/10/2018 09:37
The Color Company Distribution Ltd v Blake UKEAT/0161/18/JOJ
Appeal against the inclusion of the Claimant's claim of age discrimination in his list of claims. Appeal allowed and this issue was remitted to a different Tribunal.
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04/10/2018 15:36
North East London NHS Foundation Trust v Zhou UKEAT/0066/18/LA
Appeal against a decision that the Claimant's claims could be heard despite her claims being lodged out of time. Appeal allowed in part.
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29/08/2018 15:10
Unfair dismissal - Case Round-Up: August 2018
In this month's round-up, Mark Shulman, consultant solicitor with Keystone Law, looks at some recent unfair dismissal cases which consider issues relating to internal appeals, the time limit and reasonable practicability and the band of reasonable responses.
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10/08/2018 12:59
Miah v Axis Security Services Ltd UKEAT/0290/17/LA; UKEAT/0291/17/LA; UKEAT/0292/17/LA
Appeal against a finding that the Claimant's claim had been received by the ET outside the statutory time limit. Appeal dismissed.
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09/08/2018 10:30
Pruzhanskaya v International Trade & Exhibitors (JV) Ltd UKEAT/0046/18/LA
Appeal against a refusal to allow the Claimant to amend her in-time claim of unfair dismissal. Appeal allowed.
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25/07/2018 11:35