time limits
Dhungana v Rai & Anor [2022] EAT 100
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's claim for a statutory redundancy payment on the grounds that it had been presented out of time. Appeal allowed.
- cases
05/08/2022 10:33
Hesketh v Glasgow Caledonian University [2022] EAT 33
Appeal against refusal to allow, at a preliminary hearing, the claimant to introduce equal pay claims.
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01/03/2022 17:51
Bayo v Ministry of Defence [2022] EAT 17
Appeal concerning refusal to reconsider whether to extend time limits for a claim from a serviceman. Appeal allowed and remitted back to ET.
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16/02/2022 11:17
Francis v Ford Retail Limited t/a Trust Ford EA-2021-000475-AT
Appeal against the ET decision effectively “striking out” the claimant’s background facts and against the making of a deposit order. Appeal allowed in part.
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11/01/2022 15:16
Wells Cathedral School Ltd & Anor v Souter & Anor EA- 2020-000801-JOJ
Appeal against an extension of time granted to the Claimants. Appeal dismissed.
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04/01/2022 12:24
Huxley v 1) Eco-Eye Ltd 2) Mr T Pumphrey: EA-2019-001043-AT
Judgment concerning an appeal against a registrar’s order which granted an extension of time to a Claimant. The extension had been granted to allow the Claimants to appeal a decision despite their failure to comply with the Employment Appeal Tribunal Practice Directions.
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24/09/2021 18:14
Kendall v KKDC England Ltd & Anor (Contract of Employment: Unlawful Deductions from Wages) [2021] UKEAT 0217/19/1603
Appeal against decision that it was reasonably practicable for claims to have been submitted on time where one claimant was submitting on behalf of all four claimants. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
23/08/2021 15:43
Kerr v Fife Council (DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION; time limits) (Revised) [2021] UKEAT 0022/20/0906
Appeal against the dismissal of a claim of disability discrimination because it was time barred. Appeal allowed.
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12/07/2021 10:40
Moore Stephens LLP & Ors v Parr (TIME POINTS; AGE DISCRIMINATION) [2021] UKEAT 0238/20/2406
Appeal against a finding that the act complained of was in respect of conduct extending over a period rather than a one-off act. Appeal allowed.
- cases
12/07/2021 10:22
Palihakkara v Robertson Bell Ltd and another UKEAT/0028/20/LA & UKEAT/0029/20/LA
Appeal against the ET’s decision striking out the Claimant’s claim for being presented out of time and refusing her application to amend her claim. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
05/05/2021 13:47