time limits
Khatun v HSBC Bank Plc UKEAT/0198/17/DA
Appeal against a decision by the ET that the Claimant's claims for unfair dismissal and unlawful discrimination were out of time. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
12/07/2018 11:23
Watkins v HSBC Bank Plc UKEAT/0018/18/DA
Appeal against the dismissal of the Claimant's claim of disability discrimination on time limit grounds or that they had no reasonable prospects of success. Appeal allowed.
- cases
10/07/2018 11:33
DHL Supply Chain Ltd v Fazackerley
Appeal against a decision that it was not reasonably practicable for the Claimant to have presented his claims of unfair and wrongful dismissal within the three-month statutory time period. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
09/05/2018 14:41
Amending an ET1 - Case Round-Up: May 2018
In this month's round-up, Mark Shulman, consultant solicitor with Keystone Law, looks at a round-up of recent cases on the relevant issues for ETs when deciding whether to allow an ET1 to be amended.
- resources
09/05/2018 10:50
Luton Borough Council v Haque UKEAT/0180/17/JOJ
Appeal against a decision that concluded that the Claimant's claims had been presented in time. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
13/04/2018 18:12
Coletta v Bath Hill Court (Bournemouth) Property Management Ltd UKEAT/0200/17/RN
Appeal against a decision that limited the Claimant's claim for failure to pay him the National Minimum Wage to 6 years. Appeal allowed.
- cases
03/04/2018 15:24
Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Local Health Board v Morgan [2018] EWCA Civ 640
Appeal against the dismissal of the Respondent's appeal against findings of failure to make reasonable adjustments and harassment. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
29/03/2018 11:37
Royal Mail Group Ltd v Jhuti UKEAT/0020/16/RN
Appeal against a decision that said that the Claimant's complaint of whistleblowing could be heard because the acts complained of constituted a continuing act. Appeal allowed.
- cases
23/03/2018 15:49
Cosmeceuticals Ltd v Parkin UKEAT/0049/17/BA
Appeal against a decision that the EDT of the Claimant was such that her claim of unfair dismissal was in time. Appeal allowed and remitted to the same ET.
- cases
22/01/2018 10:37
Galilee v The Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis UKEAT/0207/16/RN
Appeal against the refusal to allow the Claimant to amend his claim. Appeal allowed and remitted to the ET for reconsideration.
- cases
06/12/2017 11:12