striking out
Kolev v Middlesex University [2023] EAT 173
Appeal against the striking out of the Claimant's claims of sex discrimination, harassment and victimisation. Appeal allowed.
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02/08/2024 10:11
Edinboro v Jamma Umoja (Residential Services) Ltd [2024] EAT 61
Appeal against the striking out of the Claimant's claims. Appeal allowed.
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22/06/2024 14:28
Clifford v IBM United Kingdom Ltd [2024] EAT 90
Appeal against strike-out of discrimination claims where there had been an earlier compromise agreement
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15/06/2024 12:43
Pady & Ors v HMRC & Ors [2024] EAT 73
Appeal against the striking out of the Claimant's claims of direct age discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
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12/06/2024 16:10
Carver v London Borough of Newham & Austin [2024] EAT 64
Appeal against the striking out of the Claimant's claim. Appeal allowed.
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09/05/2024 12:14
Hilton Foods Solutions Ltd v Wright [2024] EAT 28
Appeal against a decision not to strike out the Claimant's claim that he was dismissed because he sought to take parental leave. Appeal dismissed.
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17/04/2024 15:16
TwistDX Limited & Ors v Armes & Ors [2024] EAT 45
Appeal against refusal to strike out claims arising from protected disclosures and subsequent constructive dismissal of the claimants, who had concerns over the safety of the respondents' DNA amplification technology.
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17/04/2024 10:44
Tattersall v Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (formerly Southport & Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust) [2024] EAT 24
Appeal against a confirmation notice issued by the ET, striking out the Claimant's claim after he failed to comply with an unless order. Appeal dismissed.
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08/04/2024 14:33
Kaur v Sun Mark Ltd & Ors [2024] EAT 41
Appeal against striking out of a claim after the claimant was found to have destroyed evidence and the ET had concluded it was no longer possible to have a fair trial
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05/04/2024 12:31
Chevalier-Firescu v HSBC Bank PLC [2024] EAT 6
Appeal against a decision by the EJ to strike out the Claimant's claims following an Open Preliminary Hearing. Appeal allowed.
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14/03/2024 13:31