equal pay
Walker v Co-Operative Group Ltd and another [2020] EWCA Civ 1075
Appeal against the EAT’s decision allowing the Respondents’ appeal on equal pay, and dismissing the Appellant’s cross-appeal on direct sex discrimination. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
20/08/2020 16:10
Butt and others v Reading Borough Council UKEAT/0040/19/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s decision that the Claimants’ claims did not include complaints about equal pay which pre-dated May 2011. Appeal allowed.
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31/01/2020 14:24
Barnard v Hampshire Fire and Rescue Authority UKEAT/0145/19/JOJ & UKEAT/0146/19/JOJ
Appeal against the ET’s decision that the “stable working relationship” ended on the Claimant’s move from one role to another. Appeal allowed.
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02/01/2020 16:57
Co-Operative Group Ltd and another v Walker UKEAT/0087/19/RN
Appeal against the ET’s decision relating to an equal pay dispute between the Respondent and the Appellants. Appeal allowed.
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22/11/2019 17:05
Ali v Capita Customer Management Ltd; Hextall v Chief Constable of Leicestershire Police [2019] EWCA Civ 900
Appeals against the EAT’s decisions that different rates of pay for new mothers and their partners did not constitute unlawful discrimination. Appeals dismissed and cross-appeal allowed.
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05/06/2019 18:49
Asda Stores Ltd v Brierley and others [2019] EWCA Civ 44
Appeal against the EAT’s finding that the Claimants, mostly women working in the Respondent’s supermarkets, were entitled to compare themselves, for equal pay purposes, with employees working in the Respondent’s distribution operation. Appeal dismissed.
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19/02/2019 16:30
Barnard v Hampshire Fire & Rescue UKEAT/00179/18/LA
Appeal against a judgment in which it was held that the Claimant's stable working relationship ended when she changed roles within the same organisation. Appeal allowed and remitted to a different ET.
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28/11/2018 11:39
Reading Borough Council v James & Ors UKEAT/0222/17/JOJ
Appeal against the way in which the Claimants' equal pay compensation was calculated with reference to 2 comparators. Appeal dismissed.
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26/06/2018 09:34
McNeil & Ors v HM Revenue & Customs [2018] UKEAT0183/17/2702
Appeal in this equal pay case against a finding that the female Claimants had not suffered a particular disadvantage when considering the analysis of differential distribution and basic pay. Appeal dismissed.
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08/03/2018 09:56
Asda Stores Ltd v Brierley & Ors UKEAT/0011/17/DM
Appeal against a ruling that the Claimants could compare their work with that of distribution workers based at depots, who were nearly all men and were paid more. Appeal dismissed.
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31/08/2017 14:44