breach of duty of care
Greenway & Ors v Johnson Matthey Plc [2016] EWCA Civ 408
Claimants' claims of significant loss of earnings as a result of losing their relatively highly paid jobs working in the areas of the factories in which it was known that there was an increased risk of exposure to platinum salts and being unable to take up work in any other work environment in which such exposure might arise. Appeal dismissed.
- cases
05/05/2016 10:24
Yapp v Foreign & Commonwealth Office [2014] EWCA Civ 1512
Appeal against findings of breach of contract and breach of the duty of care, and that, even if there were a breach, the claimant was not entitled to a sum for psychiatric injury. Appeal allowed in respect of the breach of duty of care.
- cases
24/11/2014 17:32
Coventry University v Mian [2014] EWCA Civ 1275
Appeal against a determination that the respondent had breached its duty of care to the claimant. Appeal allowed.
- cases
21/10/2014 10:43